Perhaps, this is a cry for help.

Think knew that some comms had a feature which quickly allowed people to paste the server details into the chat and send it. This was considered an emergency feature when it was built in, but many also use it when they can't be bothered to type in the full address. And while Dan was one to take, to Think, knowing his best friend well, this was obvious.

Dan was in danger.

Immediately, Think turned on his heels and began sprinting back to his little shack at spawn. While he didn't know what mess Dan had gotten himself into, he knew he had gotten into a mess, and for that, he needed to rescue him. And he didn't know how much time he had, or what the scale of the danger was.

For all he knew, Dan could have been kidnapped, or he could've just gotten stuck in a deep hole with no tools to get out, and a zombie trapping him into a death loop.

Oh, and for the record, he wasn't about to brave a danger he didn't know the details of without his friends. The squid with his recklessness and the ninja with his sneak, if he was to save someone he'd need their help.

As soon as Think made it back to his base, he grabbed a carrot and held it in his mouth to fill up his hunger bar while pulling out his communicator. Then, he switched to the extension he and his friends had installed a while ago to communicate with others easily and across worlds - previously, this had not been possible, but now he could contact his friends easily. Discord, he thinks it's called. He quickly creates a private group chat with James and Squid before sending in his IP to his world. He'll try and change it after.

<Thinknoodles> Hey, both of you.

<ThnxCya> woah, hey dude! how ya been?

<iBallistiicSquid> Ah, mr big blow up man, how are you

<Thinknoodles> Alright. Doesn't matter - can both of you transfer to my world? ASAP.

<ThnxCya> wait, wow okay hold on

<iBalliisticSquid> Giiive me a second i'm trying to build something here and I'm gonna finish it in 5

<ThnxCya> yeah can I have like 5 minutes

Think sighs. He should've expected this response. He grips the comm tighter and continues typing.

<Thinknoodles> Guys, this is urgent. Really urgent.

<ThnxCya> oh okay it's serious serious

<ThnxCya> be right there

<iBalliisticSquid> Justiiiin give me like 3 minutes I'll be done with thiss

<Thinknoodles> Squid, does a building matter more than the life of your friend?

<ThnxCya> excuse me what o-o

<iBalliisticSquid> OKAY OKAY I'M COMING GEEZ

Ah, yes, Squid, the tired one. He sits down, grabbing another carrot and eating it. While Think's house normally feels cosy and comfortable, with his racing emotions it feels barren and as if it is going to fall apart. He knows it's not, but it might as well be.

The messages announcing James and Squid's arrival comes quickly. He gives them a second, transferring worlds is not fun. They immediately knock on the door and Justin opens it, taking a look at the two. While James looks genuinely worried, Squid simply looks tired.

"Alright, Mr Boomer, what the hell do you want?" Yes, Squid is very tired. Justin rolls his eyes.

"Look...I think Dan's in danger. He sent me the server details to a server he must be on. Nothing's so random and out of the blue that it concerns me."

He shows the two the screen of his communicator. They both look at the message and while James looks even more confused, Squid takes his turn to roll his eyes.

"He's probably pranking you, you know that right? I wouldn't put it past him." Squid sighs.

"Squid makes a point..." James responds.

"Yes, yes I know, I thought that at first, too." Justin speaks fast and with a tense aura. "But if he was pranking me he'd at least send me some context, he'd respond. I know it, I know Dan. I'm sorry, maybe I'm getting overworked about this, it doesn't really matter I-" His words spill out without him wanting them to.

"No, no." James says, louder than Think expected. "You both make a point. So let's all go anyways. If it's a prank, we can all have a good laugh about it later. If it's not, then we can save Dan. Sound okay?"

Think nods, if it's what it takes. Squid also agrees, with a condition.

"If I'm correct and it's nothing, Thinky here has to do me a favour."

Justin sighs. He doesn't want to joke about a possibly life threatening situation, but if it makes Squid go along with it...

"Fine. But if I'm correct, the same thing goes for you."


The two nod, before silently, Think sends the server details to the others and they all type it in, before waiting for the others to finish. They check and double check to make sure that they've got it right. To Squid, it feels like they're all acting like the heroes for nothing.

"I...guess we're going on the count of three?" James asks, breaking the silence.

"Yeah." Justin responds, before beginning the count. "One, two....three!"

<Thinknoodles left the world.>

<ThnxCya left the world.>

<iBalliisticSquid left the world.>


Took Wattpad 3 tries to process that I uploaded this, but whatever. Anyways, another long fic? Yep! Don't worry, this one's finished. I've been working on it for the past two weeks, so...anyways. Updates every Sunday and Thursday.

As for this chapter...Caesar was never fun with all his ciphers.

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