Chapter 8

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It was hard to believe but not unbelievable. Pharm and Dean knew each other from a past life. In some way it made sense why they acted like that when they were together. Why they acted like they would knew each other their whole life. But now I felt dumb for my question. I think I would've noticed if I met the love of my life. And previous life. 

"Alex? Didn't you have a question?", Pharm  asked, watching me. I looked down on my lap, playing with my fingers.

"I... Well. So I met Don, Dean's brother a few weeks ago. When I wanted to bring back your book. We met a few more times, he also checked up on me when I didn't feel well last week. And yesterday we went out to the cinema. He wanted to watch a new Sci-fi movie. It's... You know, when I am with him I feel different. If I am with I feel... complete. I feel like everything is alright and I can't even imagine to feel any fear. He makes me feel calm and safe", I explained stuttering.

The other boy staid quiet for a few, endless seconds until he responded: "That's how I felt... how Intouch felt when he met Korn. Always safe and comfortable."

I looked up at him. Did he mean that... that this was the feeling of real love. He leaned back and looked at the table top again. 

"I thought... if I would find someone I really love... the love of my life... I would be afraid of loosing them. I thought I couldn't go home without feeling this huge fear. But... when Don goes home I am not afraid that something could happen to him. It's like I would know that nothing could happen as long as I am not with him. I would always be there and could safe him. It's strange, isn't it", I mumbled, staring on the table. I knew Don since I few weeks but these thoughts went through my mind a lot of time now. 

"It isn't strange at all. I think that is the right feeling if you truly love someone", he answered and I felt his hand on mine. I slowly nodded, starting to smile. 

"Thank you, Pharm", I mumbled. I wanted to thank him for trusting me. For listening to me. For just being there for me.

When I met Don at the end of the week again , I thought I would feel different. But I didn't. As soon as he entered my dorm I felt totally relax. He said he didn't wanna learn all alone, because Dean was with Pharm this evening and Del, his sister, spent the night with friends. So I suggested that we could study together in my room. While I finished some left homeworks, he started to study for an upcoming test. All in all it went pretty well. We worked for a few hours until I finished my stuff and Don gave up learning with a loud sigh. He closed the book and drove one hand through his hair. 

"I don't know how I should remember all this stuff", he sighed and looked over to me. His glance felt on my homework. 

"Looks complicated", he mumbled, laying a hand on my collage block and asked if he could look through it. With a nod I handed it to him.

"Wow. You seem to be such a smart boy", he said quietly, his eyes scanning my notes. His comment made me think of the first time he complimented me and I couldn't hold back a smile. 

"Thanks", I answered, watching him laying my block back on the table.

"May I?", he asked then, pointing to the bed. I nodded with a small smile. He stood up, walked over to my bed and let himself fall on the matress. Then he patted at a free spot next to him. Slowly I stood up and went over to him before I laid down next to him. He faced the ceiling, while a small smile appeared on his face. I staid quiet, only watched him for a moment. When I started to feel like a creep I looked up to the ceiling as well.

"I like to spend time with you", he told me, still looking up. 

My gaze went to him and because I felt so comfortable with him, I joked: "Sounds like you would flirt with me."

I expected him to laugh or to box my arm but he didn't do any of that. He simply answered: "I do."

I looked at him, feeling my heart racing. Did he make a joke? He did... didn't he? Don didn't grin, he just looked straight to the ceiling. I wanted to get off my gaze of him but I couldn't. So I just watched every single move he made until he finally faced me. He raised the corner of his mouth and repeated: " I am flirting with you."


Wow. I was frustrated of my own question. I sounded like an idiot. 

"Because I like you", he said, no sound of judging in his voice. I opened my mouth to reply something but closed it right away. This was the first time I felt shy around him. Don started to giggle and I was already afraid he just joked with me. 

"Why are you so nervous? If you don't like me, you can say it straight away. I won't be bad or something", he said then, still calm. Sometimes I was surprised how confident someone could be. But probably he just felt like me when he was around. 

"I ... I like you as well. A lot. I... never felt like that before. I... I should stop talking", I noticed and started to blush. I laid my hands on my eyes, feeling more and more ashamed. Don laughed softly again. 

"Hey.", he replied, taking my hands away from my eyes and looked at me with a warm gaze, "It's fine. You don't act that shy around me normally. You haven't to start it now."

My body slowly relaxed again and I smiled back at him. 

"I really like you. You give me a good feeling", I mumbled much calmer now.

"That's good to hear cause I like the feeling I have when you are around. I like you, Lex."

Oh I loved the nickname he gave me. He still held my eyes, looked in my eyes and moved closer. He were only a few centimetres apart of me and I could feel the warm temperature he was radiate. His brown eyes had a warm, calming gaze. They were full of... love.

"I wanna try something", he whispered against my lips. I just nodded. I trusted him enough for letting him try something. Don turned his body to me, pushing himself up on one arm and moved closer. It seemed to be an eternity until his lips finally touched mine. At this moment my heart seemed to explode but repaired itself immediatly. I felt completed. Safe. Perfect.


I really hope you liked this chapter.

I think it was one of the most difficult chapters until now.

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