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My head snapped up from my knees at the sound of the alarms blaring in the corridor outside my cell. Red warning lights flash as guards run past like panicked rabbits, shouting to each other in a language I hadn't quite figured out yet. Russian maybe? 

I honestly have no clue where I am. They've moved me about 6 times since they picked me up in England, occasionally on a boat but mostly on some dodgy sounding plane, always with a bag over my head. The only thing I've ever been able to get from them is that I was taken because I had nobody, and 'have the potential to hold great power,' whatever that fucking means. They sure managed to give me some power, but nobody seems to know the extent of what happened to me after touching that stone.

"Guys I've found a prisoner, second floor on the right. Appears to be non-hostile, I'm bringing her in."

A voice spoke out in front of me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look up to see a redhead woman, dressed in a tight black suit heavily armed with knives, my eyes widening slightly in fear. Who the hell is this?

"Hey kid, it's okay, we're here to help. My names Natasha, can you tell me yours?" her slightly accented voice was soothing compared to the rough grunts I receive from the guards.

"Y/n." I answered, my voice coming out dry and wheezy. I can't remember when I last had water. My tongue runs over my lips as this realisation makes me painstakingly aware of how dry my mouth is, desperately trying to swallow any saliva my mouth will provide.

I hear the cell door pop open and look up to see Natasha making her way over to the corner that I'm huddled in, before crouching down on the ground in front of me. I try to shuffle back a little more, I'm a bit sceptical of her intentions. I've gone through enough shit these last year and a half, I don't need to be receiving it from a whole new party. 

Seeing my fear, she removed her weapons and placed them on the ground beside us, before turning to look back at me with her hands up, a soft smile creasing her green eyes. Something about her just made me feel safe, I haven't a clue why, but I wanted to trust her. She waited until I relaxed a bit until speaking.

"Okay then y/n, let's get you out of here, shall we? Can you stand?" she asked, offering me a hand up which I gratefully accepted. 

My legs felt like metal rods as I unbent my knees and rose up to meet her, a sharp breath cutting through my lungs as the movement agitated the bruises and burns covering my body from the endless tests and trials I had been enduring from the doctors here.

I look up to see Natasha looking me up and down, inspecting the dirty tattered clothes I had been wearing for months now, wincing as she noticed the burning welts and crimson bruises peeking through the holes in my shirt and down my bare legs.

"God they've really done a number on you huh kid? Are you okay to walk? Not to be rude but you look like you might keel over at any time." She remarked, retrieving her weapons from the floor before offering her arm for support as we started to make our way out of the cell and into the corridor. I could tell her intentions behind that comment were purely innocent but it still stirred irritation in my chest.

"I'm not as weak as I look," I mutter back, pushing past the ache spreading down my limbs as we moved through the compound I had been held prisoner in for the last few months, the floors littered with the unconscious (*or dead?*) bodies of my captors.

I wasn't lying. Sure my body felt like a thousand needles being shoved through me with every step, but these wounds are all recently inflicted, my powers should start to heal them soon. The guards seemed to make it their personal mission to try to cause an injury my powers couldn't heal and they always had so far.

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