Chapter 7

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The next days I felt much better. Telling Pharm about my problems helped a lot. Meanwhile I also talked with Team, Manow, Dean and Win  about it. And I realised that everyone of them had any demons in the past. It was kinda comforting to know that they understood me even when I was pretty sorry for them. But I think if this wouldn't have happened to all of us we probably wouldn't have met. 

Having friends like them by my side was a good feeling. I felt like I could trust them with everything. But I also noticed there seemed to be something ... big between Pharm and Dean. I never saw people with a relationship like them. It looked like they knew each other since forever but they just met months ago. They cared about each other in a unique way. The others didn't seem to notice it ... or they knew what was going on between them. At least they were with the both from the beginning. But we didn't talk about their past and I totally accepted it.

This time I didn't cancel my and Don's meeting. On Tuesday evening I waited infront of the cinema for him. 

"Sorry, I am late. Hope you didn't wait for long", Don said when he reached me and gave me a smile.

"Don't worry. I just arrived here as well.", I answered with a smile and handed him his ticket, "I already bought two tickets. Wanna go insid?"

Happily he followed me to the cinema hall. I booked seats in the back so we would have more space. Don sat down next to me, looking to the black screen. There were still a few minutes left until the movie would start. The hall was still kinda empty. Only a few boys sat in the first rows. 

"How was your day?", the older one asked and looked back to me.

"Pretty good. We had to present our project yesterday so now it's getting less stressful", I told him, "What about you?"

"I have to come up with a few ideas for new constructions but my head is empty. But if I finished this task the next days will be chill days", he explained. 

"Sin works as architecture, am I right? Probably he could help you", I suggested.

"Good idea. I will spend tomorrow afternoon at his place. Probably he can help me with the task.", Don agreed and smiled, "You are a smart boy, Lex."

He looked back to the screen and laid his hands on his lap. His voice sounded... strange. Closely flirty. But I imaged hearing this undertone, didn't I? I looked at the dark haired boy a bit longer before I also looked to the screen. The movie just started.

I wasn't able to focus on the movie at all. Well, I wasn't a big fan of Science fiction at all but even when the movie seemed to be interesting, I had to look over to Don all the time. Something felt different. I felt different. This safe feeling from the last time he chilled in my dorm was back and my body seemed to be totally relaxed. Just watching him made me feel happy. This was weird. I didn't feel like this before. But Don seemed to be totally focused on the movie. His gaze was pinned on the big screen and now and then he opened his mouth. Which looked kinda cute to be honest. As soon as the movie ended the 21- years old seemed to wake up from a dream and coming back to reality. 

"The movie was pretty cool, don't you think so?", Don said, turning to me with bright eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah, it was really cool", I answered, scratching my neck and looked to the black screen. 

"The scene when the whole team was trapped in the space shuttle. That was so exciting. And I didn't expect this kind of ending at all", he kept talking, still looking at me. I didn't know what to say and nodded.

"Yeah, the movie was pretty good. Normally I don't watch many Sci-Fi movies but this one was really interesting", I mumbled. My friend seemed to notice that I acted strange. But instead of saying something about it straight away, he changed the topic.

"Do you want to grab some food? You paid the tickets, so I will pay dinner", he meant and was already back on his feet. I stood up as well and nodded with a smile on my face. 

We decided to go to a chicken restaurant which was close to the cinema. Since we both took the bus we didn't have any car, so this restaurant was the best choice. Don ordered a big chicken plate - I didn't know how we should eat that much chicken - and paid right away. Then he guided me to a free table. Even when I felt something I didn't feel before, I was still relaxed. Dons whole appearance made me feel calm.

A few hours later I reached my dorm. It was kinda late but I had to talk about this weird feeling which still haunted me. I put out my phone of my pocket, sat down at the kitchentable and called Pharm.

"Hey, it's Pharm. Alex? Is everything alright?", he asked with a quiet voice. It didn't seems like he already slept before I called him.

"I am... fine. I need to talk to you. I mean... it's pretty late but I think if I don't talk about it I will go crazy", I explained myself, already blushing. What was wrong with me today?

"Yes, of course. What's wrong?", he asked. I just wanted start talking, when I remembered that he didn't know that I was hanging around with Don from time to time. Did Dean notice it? Probably. I wasn't sure. But I defenitly didn't want to tell him about this on my phone.

"Pharm, I am sorry. Could we meet tomorrow? Before school?"

"Yes, of course. You can come to my place and we will drive to school together. But for now everything is okay, right?"

"Yes, don't worry. See you tomorrow", I said, hanging up quickly. Why did I act like an idiot now? 

The next morning I stood infront of Pharms apartment around half past 7. Probably a way too early but I couldn't have staid home any longer. I knocked at the door twice and waited for Pharm to open the door. It took him a few minutes until he finally opened the door. He was already dressed only his hair looked like a mess.

"Come in. I just need some more minutes", he said and went back inside. 

A few minutes later he sat across of me at the table.

"So. What did you wanna tell me?", he asked with a small smile. I immediatly felt nervously and looked on the table top.

"So ehm... I have a question. You and Dean seem to be ... pretty close. And happy when you are together. I just... How does this feel?", I asked quietly, looking at him kinda shy.

Pharm became more serious and bit on his bottomlip. 

"Well, Alex... I think I should tell you something. If you believe me or not is your decision but... I want you to know", he said, straighened his back and then he told me about his past, about his love, about everything I didn't dare to ask for. 


Have a nice day and take care of yourself.

Don't leave me //Until we meet again FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now