Chapter 11 - Love is in the air

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Cassandra and Varian smiled at each other as the guys came close to them, they both put their backs on each other. "What's the plan?" Cassandra asked Varian.

"Working on it." Varian looked around looking for something to use when he got an idea. "What do think about showing off your parkour?"

"As long as you count as an obstacle," Cassandra said smiling.

One of the guys came up with a sword coming after them, Cassandra rolled on Varian's back and she kicked the guy in the face. Cassandra seemed really proud of herself. While Varian was enjoying this as well.

"On your right!" Varian yelled, to Cassandra and she punched one of the other guys.

"Left!!" Cassandra yelled as she slid under Varian to get the other guy, Varian did a flip so the chain wouldn't get tangled. "Where'd you learn to do that," Cassandra said as Varian grabbed her hand pulling her close to him again.

"Well, I did a little training in the past year M'lady," Varian said as he threw one of his alchemy things at one of the guys.

"Clearly that class wasn't in smooth-talking," Cassandra said in a teasing tone. Both of them were working together.

"You're incredible at this!" Varian said while admiring Cassandra's bravery and helping her fight.

"You're not so bad yourself," Cassandra said while taking his hand as he punched someone in the face. Varian and Cassandra were both enjoying themselves when they slowly started losing a bit. "Uh, Varian?" Cassandra said, noticing more of them were coming and that they couldn't take on that many.

Varian gave Cassandra a smile knowing they could take them on. "This is only for emergencies, but this seems urgent." Varian took Cassandra's hand and pulled her about an inch away from him.

"What are you doing?" Cassandra asked while blushing.

"We are going to dance fight," Varian said with a very happy smirk.

"What!!! I can't dance!!!" Cassandra said trying to find a reason not to do it.

Varian looked at her. "We need to be in sync, and if I want to do that with anyone, I want it to be with you," Varian said looking at Cassandra as he punched the person behind him without breaking eye contact with Cassandra.

"Fine," Cassandra said, hoping she would not regret it. Varian grabbed Cassandra's hip.

"I lead, and on four you kick. Got it?" Varian said. Cassandra nodded. Varian started saying one two three getting them in sync when he saw someone behind them, he twirled Cass around to get her facing the guy and told her four. She kicked as Varian said she should with her eyes closed, when she opened them again the guy was knocked out on the ground.

Cassandra and Varian did the same thing a couple more times. After a while, Cassandra and Varian were just enjoying themselves. Cassandra was laughing with joy, and it brought Varian to a different world. He became lost in thought, he looked into her smile and he could see joy. He never sees her smile, but now.... This was who Cass was. Her smile made him travel into his love for her, and her smile was so beautiful.

Varian was knocked out of his thoughts when he heard Cassandra yell "LOOK OUT!!!!" Someone came up with their sword and they swung it with as big of a swing as they could. Varian and Cassandra both looked, and it hit in the middle of the chain on the handcuffs, causing both Varian and Cassandra to pull towards the middle of the chain. Both of them lost their balance and fell on the floor.

Varian and Cass bumped heads. Cassandra and Varian both immediately rubbed their foreheads where they were hit. They both looked up and asked the other at the same time "Are you ok?!" Both of them blushed, but the sweet moment ended when they saw a sword coming right at them.

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