beer body

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Before you go to bed, you decide to drink some beer, you were sent a beer through male the other day and decide to drink it, when you finish drinking it, your stomach starts bubbling, what is in this beer?! You feel you stomach filling up with beer? Or mabye the gas bubbles, you make your way to the doorway to you room to call someone, and as you enter the long hallway, the bubbling gets more intense, and your stomach starts growing even faster, and you start having to slow down as your stomach is so big, it starts tearing your t- shirt, and your gut pushes through, your t shirt gets turned into sheds as you stomach is freed, and you get stuck, your stomach is absolutley massive, and from all the commotion, your stomach bubbles even more violently, you are thouroley stuck by the time your stomach stops, and your stomach is bigger then 3 people, still holding its ball like shape, when you wake up the next morning, you only look 9 months pregnant, and you like how squishy it is, though it never gets smaller.

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