Chapter Twelve: The Syspocalypstar Dump

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SpongeBob woke up, groaning in pain as he is in someplace else. "Agh! My head... Wait! Where am I?". As he got up, he can feel the touch of bricks and objects that were in the LEGO Movie world. "Oh my gosh!" SpongeBob gasped, realizing that the objects were in Emmet's world. "Am I in the Syspocalypstar Dump?". In fact, he was in this lost place called the Syspocalypstar Dump!

SpongeBob wandered around this cluttered place looking at stuff from the two movies that weren't used anymore. The Piece of Resistance, Sweet Mayhem's helmet, Emmet's hard hat, there were all here. But then, SpongeBob got to the items from his own world! Gasp! Items from Bikini Bottom? How did they get here? SpongeBob thought, knowing that the items came from Bikini Bottom.

As SpongeBob remains standing on the cluttered space he was at, he then hears a "Meow." coming from 5ft away. When SpongeBob walked over, there was a shell, but it looked familiar! SpongeBob grabbed that shell, and he began pulling. After just three pulls, he found his pet snail, Gary!

"Gary? GARY!" SpongeBob yelped in excitement, fully reunited with his pet snail. "How did you get to Syspocalypstar? And how are there items in my world?" SpongeBob asked.

Gary meowed. What it could translate to is, "The portal has taken us there, and the items as well.". SpongeBob gasped. "Gary. Where's Patrick? Where's Squidward? Where's Emmet?" he asked, throwing multiple questions again, wondering where his old and new friends are.

Gary tilted his head to a pile of bricks. This was when SpongeBob realized that Patrick, Emmet, Lucy, and Squidward were also inside the Syspocalypstar Dump! Instantly, the enthusiastic sponge gasped again. "Guys!". He ran towards the pile of rubbish and starts digging through it only to find his old and new friends, completely injured, inside!

By injured, well, totally injured. Patrick's left leg was limped and his right arm was completely covered in scratches and bruises, Emmet had SO MANY scratches; most of them on his face and arms, and one HUGE scratch on his rib and stomach area, Lucy's eye was completely bruised, a scratch was on her forehead, and her arm was completely limped, and Squidward had two big scratches on his arm, and his right leg was limped as well. SpongeBob covered his mouth in shock. All his friends were completely injured!

"Are you guys all okay?" SpongeBob asked, extremely worried. Everyone nodded. Emmet raised his head and started to talk to SpongeBob. "Sponge, this is terrible!".

"What is terrible?" SpongeBob asked.

"Blackheart used her blaster known to kill us, but instead we survived! While you weren't injured... we were. Brutally. Of course, that isn't all! She destroyed about 30% of Syspocalypstar and now she is about to finally get the revenge she deserve! We don't want that, don't we? We must get to Sandy and fix this mess immediately." Emmet said.

SpongeBob smiled, then he, Patrick, Squidward, Lucy, and Emmet all went to a nearby lab to talk to Sandy, Plankton, Karen, and Benny about the Blackheart incident.


Sandy analyzed the blaster Blackheart used to send her, SpongeBob, Emmet, and the other heroines flying. "This blaster is dangerous!" she said.

Benny started talking. "The blaster Blackheart used can cause limped limbs, bruises, and scratches. Take a look at the inside of the blaster."

Plankton got Karen to use an x-ray to see what the inside of Blackheart's blaster looked like. Inside, there was this small heart-shaped crystal that happened to be used to completely injure SpongeBob's friends!

Everyone gasped; in particular, Patrick's heart froze, and same with Emmet's. That same crystal was used to destroy Syspocalypstar as they know it!

The enthusiastic sponge can NOT believe what he had just saw. Then, he and the others watched as Plankton got Karen to put up a surveillance camera to show what Blackheart and Unikitty did to Syspocalypstar. "This is worse news than when Blackheart started to get revenge." Plankton told everyone.

In the video, Blackheart was using her blaster to destroy buildings in Syspocalypstar, stealing souvenirs, and many more totally evil things as everyone watched.

"Oh no... I can't believe this!" Emmet cried. "Unikitty, no!".

"This is bad..." Squidward whimpered. "This is really, really bad!" "Why? Why did Blackheart do this?" Lucy panicked as she started crying.

Patrick placed his sore hand on Lucy's shoulder, as he says, "Hey! This... is the end of Syspocalypstar as we know it. Blackheart is destroying everything..."

On the other hand, as for SpongeBob.... his eyes teared up as he watches the tragic "end" of Syspocalypstar happen.

"We... we just visited there earlier!" SpongeBob whined as tears then rolled down his cheeks. "No..."

Slow violin music begins playing as SpongeBob started singing.

"It's over... What have we done? All our hopes and dreams were burnt... and buried. I wished I knew better, but it's all too late. I didn't even listen... And now..." "SpongeBob, it's okay!" the injured construction worker said. "However..." he starts singing, too.

"Although our hopes are gone, we can still do it! And even without help, we can still stop her! But, one thing is this!" SpongeBob and Emmet then sang a duet! "We don't need teamwork to save the day, because we can do this alone! And although we can get hurt, we can still manage to do it! Even it seems pretty tough!" "Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart! Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart! 'Cause it's the only one I got! "Cause it's the only one I got! Oh, baby! Don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart! Baby, don't go breaking my heart, breaking my heart! 'Cause it's the only one I got! It's the only one, only one...." "Only one I got..." they finished singing.

Sandy and Lucy were impressed with SpongeBob and Emmet's singing, as the started clapping for them. "How impressive!" Lucy said. "It actually shows that even without any teamwork, we can still defeat Blackheart!" Sandy told Lucy.

"Alright guys, listen up! Want to save Syspocalypstar? Then we must save Unikitty and stop Blackheart!" SpongeBob barked, his voice brave and true.

After SpongeBob says this, he and the others then left the lab, running away. It was finally time to stop Blackheart for good and save Syspocalypstar! And also Unikitty!

To be continued...

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