That fateful step

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I swallowed the mouthful of wine with delight; that Pinot noir really complimented my roast – cooked with love. For once, I had skipped the dance class to set up a nice dinner for us both. There was something I needed to tell Lucas, and I couldn't imagine it without candlelight, dinner and a good bottle of wine to loosen my tongue.

- "You didn't hesitate"

Lucas' statement caused me to lift my eyes from the crystal glass. The candlelight created shadows on his alpine cheekbones, dancing across his olive skin. A gleam of relief danced in his eyes, rendered golden by the flames, and I found myself enthralled by his gaze.

- "You didn't hesitate when Sophie chose to drive with me."

I lifted an eyebrow.

- "Why would I?"

And I meant it. Overwhelmed by the sincerity of my words, Lucas reached across the table and grabbed my hand in both of his. Then, he closed his eyes, and let his cheek rest over my palm. Would he ever let go? Did he really think I would pursue him if he was any danger to Sophie?

Would I have to drill my trust in his skull? Mayhap I ought to insist a bit, and so I did.

- "You are a good man, Lucas. If I disappeared tomorrow, I'd let you take care of my children without an ounce of hesitation. I know they would be safe, and loved."

For a moment, he said nothing. Then, a tear slid down the curve of his cheek. My heart lurched, ordering me to reach out. I heeded its call; circling the table, I reached Lucas' chair. At once, his arms wound around my silk blouse and I embraced him.

Grief hit me so hard that my knees trembled, and I knew it was his, seeping out of him in front of my very eyes. He started to shake, and I just tightened my grip as tears flowed down his face. He sobbed, then, my beautiful man, and I kept him tucked against my chest as he let go those painful memories. My own eyes misted over, my chest tight with sadness he never got to express.

For a long moment, silence reigned in the room. The candles flickered, our dinner forgotten – damn, for once I had cooked properly! – our romantic moment strengthened by the sharing of past hurts. It didn't matter that instead of laughing, we were crying together. Tonight, I'd prepared a special dinner for us to share. The dim lights and setting had worked their charm; the connection was stronger than ever between us.

That connection that allowed Lucas to sob in my arms shamelessly, to bare his heart without a single wall between us. For a long time, I just held him, tears leaking from my eyes in the candlelight. Then, he sighed, and I dabbed his face with a handkerchief. Gathering his cheeks between my hands, I watched him ardently, looking for a sign that he'd got rid of his grief, at last. I found none but the gentle smile he gave me.

- "I'm sorry," he whispered with a sniffle.

My fingers grazed his skin.

- "Don't be. Your trust is astounding. Thank you," I responded.

Then, I dropped on my knee next to him to give him the upper hand, and he reached for my face.

- "I didn't want to spoil our romantic dinner."

I shook my head, smiling.

- "You didn't. I didn't know until I met you, that a man could be beautiful. But somehow ... this is what I see in you. Beautiful face, beautiful mind, beautiful soul. It helps that your body doesn't disappoint."

Astonished, Lucas watched me, disbelief writ upon his handsome features.

- "What I'm trying to tell you, Lucas, is that you sharing this with me is a present like no other. I feel honoured that you are here, that you trust me enough to let go and I..."

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