Hide And Seek

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This situation was like Hide And Seek.

Hanako and Kou as the seekers, Hana and Yashiro as the hiders.

But, there's a twist with this game.

They can't find Yashiro.


"Nii-chan! Please!" Kou pleads.
Teru just sighs.

"Kou, I know you're dead set on finding her, but, we've looked all over the city." Teru explained to his brother in a sad tone.

Kou gave up, and looked down.

"Teru-nii... I-I... I really just wanna know if she's safe from that Tsukasa guy." Kou sighs.

Teru widened his eyes.

"Tsu... Who...?" Teru asked.

Kou immediately jolted his head.

"A-Ah! I-I mean other mean apparitions!" Kou exclaimed.

Teru just smiled at his little brother.

"I'm sure she's safe. And if I find even a single trace of her, I'll let you know." Teru pats Kou on the head, then went to his room.

Kou smiled at this gesture, but deep down, he was still worried and sad.

"Kou-niichan...?" Kou's little sister, Tiara, pulled on his sleeve.

"Ah... Tiara. You should go to bed now..." Kou also patted his sister on the head.

But Tiara didn't move.

"I'll help you find Nene-neesan!" Tiara held his brother's hand and smiled.

"I wanna help Kou-nii!" she exclaimed exitedly.

Kou smiled at his little sister.

"Okay, Tia-chan. But go to bed now." Kou smiled faintly at his sister.

Tiara also went to bed, leaving Kou all alone in the living room.

Senpai... I hope you're safe...



A girl with dark long hair calls out.

Yashiro seemed to have moved on from her reason to stay hidden,

But that didn't mean she forgot it still existed.

"Hana-chan! Welcome back..!" Yashiro exclaimed.

"Nene-chan~ I've got something for you!" Hana smiles at her bestfriend, bringing out a box.

"H-Hana... You didn't s-steal that, did you...?" Yashiro asks.

Hana giggles.

"Nope~! Don't worry!" Hana's eyes full of excitement.

"You're in a good mood." Yashiro laughs.

"That's because this gift will make Nene-chan happy!" Hana gives the little box to Yashiro.

Yashiro couldn't do anything but stare at awe at the box.

It was very cute, a cream colored box, and teal ribbon.

The glitters on the box were shining, almost like stars.

"Hana-chan... I almost don't want to open it because of its beauty..." Yashiro whispered.

Yashiro scanned the box one more time, when she saw a note underneath the little box.
It was a 1/4 folded piece of paper, with the writing:

To Yashiro.

"E-Eh...? But... I'm dead, aren't I? Why are people giving me gifts?" Yashiro asked.

She was sure the news of her death were all over the school, so she was sure whoever gave her gifts would leave it on her grave.

"Who gave you this, Hana-chan?" Yashiro asked the dark haired girl.

"Honorable Number 7 and some blonde haired boy did!" Hana exclaimed cheerfully.

Two names popped up in Yashiro's mind.

Hanako and Kou

"Gee, Nene-chan, even now that you're dead, you still receive gifts from your fanboys~ I'm jealous~!" Hana giggles.

Yashiro let out a dry laugh.

"Hana-chan... You didn't tell them my location, did you...?" Yashiro asked worriedly.

"No! Ofcourse not! I made a promise, right?" Hana exclaimed.

"I was looking at a particular boy with brown hair and glasses with a student council armband, when the two approached me and gave me this. They told me to give it to you when I have found you. " Hana explained.

"Ha-Hana-chan... Please stop stalking that boy..." Yashiro pleaded.

"Eh? Why? Do you like him?" Hana asked.

"No... A friend of mine likes him. And he's my friend." Yashiro giggled.

"Oh! Silly me... Alright, chit-chat aside, open the box and read the note!" Hana exclaimed, excited as ever.

Yashiro opened the box, to see...

Her brooch.

"Nene-chan, that's the skull brooch you own, right?" Hana asked.

"Yeah... It is..." Yashiro stared at her possesion.

Then she pulled note sticked to the bottom of the box.

Hey, Yashiro.

I forgot to give this back to you... Sorry.

I don't know if you're reading this, since... Everyone looking for you hasn't seen you, so...

I just hope you're safe...


Yashiro stared at the note.

'So they were looking for me!'

Yashiro shed a tear just by reading the note, then a single droplet turned into two, then into three, then she burst out sobbing uncontrollably.

"N-Nene-chan! Are you okay...?" Hana asked, worried for her bestfriend.

"I-I'm sorry, Hana-chan... I just missed... My friends..." Yashiro continues to cry.

"I'll leave you alone for a while..." Hana leaves the room, searching for another sparkly object.

Yashiro cried even harder.

"Hanako-kun... Kou-kun... I miss you guys too...

I feel like I can't win this game anymore... But...

I still want to roam.

I don't wanna disappear just yet...

So please...


Wait for me, you guys..."


Another chapter down!

Im so sorry its so short, I really just wanna make thia fic longer, so please bear with me...

Anyways, what do you think?

Elysha's loggin' out!

An Unbreakable Bond |•| HanaNene |•| Sequelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن