Chapter 1: How messed up my life is

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Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya aaaand.... I dont have the best life- who am I kidding, my life's a total wreck. It all started when I was born.

My Father left me, my brother and my Mother for some sort of "business trip" to America right after I was born. Back then, my Mother loved us so much and we loved her back the same. Back then I was an All Might fan (and I still am). My Mother used to watch All Might videos with me and Tencchan. Those were the good old days. Back then, I was friends with this AMAZING boy. He had spiky ash blonde hair amd crimson red eyes! His name was Kacchan! (not really) We were best friends to the end. Then, one day an incident happened at school. Something was happening to kacchan. HE MANIFESTED HIS QUIRK!!!

It was an amazing crazy awesome quirk that allowed him to create explosions using the nitroglycerin he sweats and the more he moved in combat, the more he sweated. It was an awesome quirk and Kacchan loved showing it off especially to me for some reason. I was praising him and he seemed to like it. The only thing he always said back to me was "No matter what quirk you get, it will never be as cool as mine Izuku". Yes he was a show-off but I still thought he was amazing. Then came my birthday. I was so excited to be getting my quirk, then sometthing happened...

MY DAD CAME BACK!!!! At least that's what my Mother said but for some reason, I don't seem to remember. He said he took a few days off, specially just to see my quirk. The week passed and I did not get my quirk yet so we went to the clinic. What the doctor told me shocked us all. They told me I was QUIRKLESS and an OMEGA. My Mother was disappointed up to the point where she couldn't even look me in the eye (Go to hell Inko)

Back then, I couldn't understand a thing about why she was like this. At school (kindergarten) The other kids made fun of me because I was quirkless and on top of that, I was an omega. I sat there looking hopeless. During lunch l walked towards Kacchan and called out his name a few times but he ignored me and a conversation with a boy that had red demon wings. His name was Akairo Tsubasa and another boy that had a quirk that allowed him to stretch his fingers and his name was Nagai Tesaki and another one his name was Kemuri Hashiga and his quirk was Intimidate. I then brushed it off as I thought he couldn't hear me. I reached out and touched his hand and he turned around and for the first time ever, he hit me.....

Well, not exactly hit but more of push. I then brushed off as l thought he must've had a bad day but boy was I wrong. It carried on and became worse. I was becoming terrified of Kacchan. I didn't know the reason behind all of this. The reason behind Okassan ignoring me, Kacchan being mean and letting his 'friends' hurt me. This went on for almost one full year and in all that time, my Father didn't go back to manage his "bussiness"

I thought that was very painful. At the age of five (5) Tencchan and I were ignored by our Mother and I was left by my best friend, and I thought everything that happend to us was terrible but this was just the beginning. One 'normal' day all hell broke loose, my Mother was angry. She started levitating objects towards her and throwing them at me. She was crying and shouting at me in anger and in sadness, things like "YOU STUPID CHILD MY HUSBAND LEFT ME BECAUSE OF YOU!!! YOU IDIOT!!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BE QUIRKLESS!?!?" then the last 3 sentences she blurted out shocked me "I HATE YOU!!! YOU QUIRKLESS WORTHLESS OMEGA!!!! WHY DID YOU EVER HAVE TO BE BORN!!!!!"

After saying that she covered her mouth with her hands. I started shaking my head slowly "N-no" I looked scared then all of a sudden I felt warm liquid drip from my eyes. I was crying. For the first time since being told I was a quirkless omega. It hurts.... the last thing l heard was her calling my name and she moved a little. As soon as she moved, I quickly stood up, opened the door of my room and shut myself in. I then realised I shut the door so l slightly opened it because I was claustrophobic. At the time I thought it meant being afraid of Santa so I didn't send letters to him (Sorry Santa) But I was scared of enclosed spaces. I jumped on my bed and cried my eyes out, wondering where Tencchan could be.👀😢 Then l fell asleep and my thoughts drifted away.

(words = 844) Welp, that's a good terrible first chapter right? Err- hope you enjoyed my beautiful trash so gudbai👋😀

I NEVER WISHED TO BE BORN!! My/Boku no hero academia (soulmate x omegaverse au) Where stories live. Discover now