It went on until the bottle finally landed on Ryujin, she almost didn't noticed because she was a bit tipsy already.

"Hohohohoh, I've been waiting for this. Ryujin~ Your dare is to be locked up inside a room with the person on your left side."

"Locked up in a room. With Lia?"


"You up for it, or nah?"

"Its fine, I'll do it."

"A'ight, its dare for me."

"Yaaaas, go ahead and lock 'em up Yujin-ah... Heheheheh shit's boutta get intimate."

Everyone laughed, but Yuna had a worried expression on her face. Ryujin gave her a soft smile to assure her that everything will be fine, and so Yuna decided to shrug her nervousness off.

"How many hours do we stay here tho?"

"Dunno, Ryujin unnie. Probably til tomorrow? Hahahaha, bye~"

"Arghh, those girls, really..."

"Hey, calm down. Wait, what room is this?"

"Its a guest room, y'know, to welcome guests?"

"Ah really? I thought it was for pets."

They both looked at each other, before laughing at Ryujin's lame joke. Well, her attempt to lighten up the atmosphere actually worked, and Lia was less tensed now. However, Ryujin felt a slight spin in her head as she looked around. She really was getting tipsy.

"Hey, you good? Are you drunk?"

"Who? Me? No, I think. Can I lay down for a bit tho? I kinda feel like my world is spinning."


"Spinning for you. Hehe..."

Ryujin sheepishly smiled before plopping down on the bed, not noticing the bright pink tint that was creeping onto Lia's cheeks. She didn't expected her to be such a smooth talker, but maybe that's why she was so attractive. She was very mysterious and is full of surprises, plus, she looks undeniably good.

"Can I lay down with you for a bit?"

"Sure, go ahead, I don't mind."

Ryujin answered nonchalantly, but deep down she was already feeling a bit nervous. Lia failed to notice the slight change in her demeanor because Ryujin was laying on the bed on her stomach, face planted on the pillow.

"Why are you laying down like that?"

"And why're you staring at me like that?"

Ryujin countered her question, laying down sideways to see the girl's reaction. Boy, it was priceless. Lia swore that the hottest thing she ever saw gotta be Ryujin's smirk, and she felt herself blushing at the thought. How can someone carry that much charisma and not catch any attention? And why wouldn't she want to be noticed?

"I wasn't staring at you."

"Sure, and pigs are thin."

"Uggghhh, you're such a tease!"

"So you admit that you were staring at me?"

"Who wouldn't want to stare at you, tho? You're pretty and handsome, cool, has strong charisma, and you dress well."

"Woah woah, slow down with the compliments sunbae, you're making this junior shy~"

"And you're even funny, easy to get along with, a gentlewoman, friendly—"

"Do you like me, Lia?"

Lia almost choked on her own saliva when Ryujin moved her face closer to hers, that 'hot smirk' imprinted on her flawless face. But Lia wasn't one to back down in this kind of games, she's gonna make the latter regret ever starting this.

"Take a guess, Shin."

"Oh, what's with the surname-calling, Choi?"

It was Lia's turn to move herself dangerously close to Ryujin, but she was surprised that the girl showed no signs of awkwardness. Maybe she was liking this as much as Lia does.

"I'm gonna make a wild guess, and say that you like me."

"Do you like me too?"

"What if I say, I do?"

Lia can't believe that she was actually losing in this. Their faces were only centimetres apart and any move they make could lead to their lips crashing into each other. Still, Ryujin showed no signs of backing down and Lia wasn't about to let this pass.

"Prove it then."


Ryujin smirked, and finally took the lead.

A/N: y'all Mafia in the Morning is literally gonna be so big! ITZZAAAAAAYYY

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