Ignoring it, you walked up behind him silently. He had yet to notice you, so using his careless nature to your advantage, you did your task without making a sound. 

Grabbing the katana on your back, you slowly unsheathed your sword and lined up the point to his heart.

"You are my greatest creation Nina," he spoke, still oblivious to the presence behind him. 

Connecting the dots from the strange creature and his file, your lips turned down into a frown before whispering under your breath, "Disgusting."

Just as you were going to finish what you came for, he looked up. He looked at the dog in front of him before following its eyes, but he was too late.

You plunged your sword forward, making contact with his heart.

His eyes widened before getting a good look at you, and even though your face wasn't know to the public as a vigilante, he knew who you were right away.

"Mokusatsu," he breathed out before his eyes became dull.

 You looked down on him with a callous expression before turing to the animal and putting a hand its head, "It's okay now."

The expression on your face changing when the critter started to talk in a distorted kind of voice, "N.. Ni.. Nina."

Once you recovered from your shock, you smile sadly and scratch her behind the ears, "Nice to meet you Nina."

You were about to get ready to leave when Nina walked to the door and looked back, as if she was telling you to follow.

You followed behind as she led you down a flight of stairs. She stopped at a door and looked up at you, not wasting any time, you opened the door to a disturbing lab.

You saw what looked to be young girls who all looked similar, in a type of fluid. You immediately wished you had taken care of your target in a different way, but it was too late for that.

Clenching your fists in anger before leaving the room, you make your way back up the stairs.

You slammed the doors to the roof open and looked at your surroundings. 

Grabbing the gun from your hip, you fired three shots into the air, hoping it would catch the attention of any nearby heroes.

After about five minutes, you saw the number two hero fly up to the roof. Usually you would stay away from the heroes, but this one in particular, you were fine with.

"Well if it isn't my baby bird, what are you doing sitting up here?"

You rolled your eyes and started you get up from the edge you were sitting on, "Just waiting for one of you slow heroes so I can go home to sleep."

"Well technically, I'm not supposed to let you go," he said winking at you, which made you groan in your head at his stupidity.

"Just call your hero friends and search the building, and don't hurt the dog." 

He looked back at the roof door before turning back to you to question about the dog, but you were no longer there.

He knew you both weren't exactly on the same side, but he knew that you wouldn't meet up with a hero for no reason.

Taking his phone from his pocket, he dialed a number and put the phone up to his ear. Hearing someone on the other line, he spoke up, "This is Hawks, I need backup."

¤ -*' ^ '~*-.,_,.-*~ ^ ~*-.,_,.-*~' ^ '*- ¤

Walking into your apartment for the second time, you put your katana and gun back before walking over to your bedroom.

As you were walking past you kitchen, you looked at the fridge, "I'm hungry, but I'm too tired to eat."

You decided you would eat before leaving in the morning and made it to your room.

Walking to the bathroom, you took a short shower and brushed your teeth before putting on clothes that were more comfortable to sleep in.

Checking your phone for the last time, you saw that it was almost 2am, you were out longer than you thought. 

You turned on your alarms so you weren't late and closed your eyes, falling asleep almost immediately.


A/N ~ vigilante outfit but in all black, or whatever you want it to be

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A/N ~ vigilante outfit but in all black, or whatever you want it to be

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