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The song is only added if you'd like to listen to the music mentioned in the chapter.

From what was heard in the city of Florissant, on the gravel road of Dubuque Lane, where the surrounding grass held generational stories and secrets of discrepancy from the passing wanderers. Where the trees whispered to the leaves that danced in eagerness, and the wind that moved from door to door, a knock or two to gain the ears of the living, Margo and Kadence Solomon weren't the Romeo and Juliet of the town. No, because the faces preparing for their coffins to be made of bohemian glass- and awarded the finest orchids and lilies to be thrown on top of them- couldn't see the forces of family pride and arrogance pulling Margo and Kadence from one another.

Oh, how the women felt young again when watching those lovebirds sway their hips under the yellow light of the diner. They would stand high on their toes watching those two, never minding the blisters that would spread like California Wildfires through the bridges of their feet. Instead, they wished in the old age of depression that they had maybe done something different for themselves. But they no longer could, and wouldn't dare try, because Mr.Time had at least risen to their cheek with all his smotherin' kisses.

Not to mention, how Margo and Kadence's hands had equalized with bones- breaking like twigs if they moved from each other's waist and neck. It was just too much of an uncomfortable and rash movement! And yet, a beautifully aching sight.

And oh, how the men who had married those women hadn't moved an inch! Not in years, truly. They were remnants belonging to the worms now. Do you remember that "red-skin" who owned a hot spot down below? Well apparently, he took on the form of Corporate. And played them like a card shark. Certainly, all it took was a firm handshake and smile of one too many teeth to gamble their decades.

Hey, if it was up to worms, they would've given them to the maggots. And if it were up to them, they'd let nature have at it. Maybe Your Highness would have dug a sinkhole, and sent them straight to the Devil. It was him who had made the order anyway!

Anyhow, Kadence would move like he hadn't touched the ground, smoothing over to the jukebox with a quarter pulled from his plaid pocket. His skin of dark oak bookshelves would mix with Margo's autumn brown and create the hues of academia. It was said from the old crows, she'd sing this song in the grocery aisles when shopping off of a whim for dinner that night, "Baby I Need Your Loving" by...The Four Tops! And he'd play exactly that for her, whispering the words in her ears- his voice deep in his lungs, a breathy touch to it. Margo's coils would rhythmically bounce along with her feet on every dot the decorated floor carried, the bun she had determinedly tied earlier being a victim to gravity. And Kadence would weave, and circle, and twirl her like the space was entitled to only them.

Some of the younger boys would try to mimic Kadence's dancing when nobody was looking, staring at their hopelessly beloved from across the room they'd desire in their own adolescent ways. Because they hadn't wanted to follow the steps of their fathers...the ones that soon led to oblivion. And their fathers before that. These boys wanted to be a man like Kadence, who rode with a flattened tire of ego, and a leaking tank of tears. And sometimes the young girls would find this strange and unraveling feeling in their chest when noticing Margo wouldn't have this skirt of flowing patriarchy on, but rather the pants of deconstruction. They hadn't known there were women outside of the propagandized magazines- ones like Margo.

The alive would state like it was nobody's business, Margo and Kadence were in love. As done before, in groups of secrecy, they'd maybe even creep their belief into reverenced words, in hopes to pass it down through the ruins and the rises of societies; To keep the story alive of course, hoping that one fateful day it'd touch face with another soul that happened to have the other half of it floating around in another body. Another Margo to their Kadence.

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