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"Hey there you are. I was beginning to think you bailed in me."

I walked over yo him and gave him a big hug.

"How could I bail on you?" I chuckled. "Hey Felix?"

"Yes beautiful?"

"Have you told me everything about yourself?"

He looked surprised. "Yea I believe so. Why?"
"I haven't told you everything about me and I don't want what I say to change anything about us ok?"

"Of course." He kissed me. 

"Ok well, before my mom passed and my brother, I was bullied for several years, and I didn't handle it well. I started to cut myself, thinking the pain would go away from what they said. There was a period of time where I had stopped and all was ok but after my mom I couldn't find any reason to keep going. Neither could my brother. He caught me one night in the bathroom with a knife at my wrist. He had been crying, but before I could say anything to him, he left. The next morning we find him in the pool, dead." im practically balling my eyes out right now "I was the one who found him too. My dad didn't know what to do. After my mom was he distant from us, buut then Ethan. He couldn't even look at me. He still won't look me in the eye."

At this point Felix has me in his arms. I'm crying and all he can do it kiss my forehead, keep me close, and tell me he is here and always be.

We decided to rest on the lounge chair next to us. My head rested on his chest, he had his arms around. 

"I never told ayone that before."

I could feel his body take a breath, as if trying to hold back a tear. 

just this once (Felix sandman fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now