I cocked my head to one side, I would definitely agree with that statement. It appeared that she hadn't gone through her change yet so I would have said she was a bit younger than 18, but that still meant thirteen years in the Kings prison.

"Do you know where your mother is now?" Griffin asked.

Rebel shook her head, "she was taken from me nearly as soon as we arrived here."

My hand flew involuntary to my mouth, a small tear trickling down my cheek as my eyes copied that of Rebels. I was shocked she had been here, alone, for so long.

"She must have been used in the spell," Griffin murmured to himself.

Honour turned to Rebel, his dark eyes projecting calm and safety. "Have you any clue to what race you are?"

"Race?" Rebel inquired, obviously puzzled, "I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean."

We all looked at her in shock, although it should have been obvious. If the King had chosen to keep her for so long, he probably wouldn't have told her a lot of things, in fear of her attempting to escape.

Honour glanced around at us uncertainly, "well, there are three races, Angelica, Mage and Terran."

As each race was spoken, we respectively raised our hands to indicate we were one of each.

Glancing over her shoulders, Rebel creased her eye brows, "well, I don't have any wings." Then she felt her ears for points, "or animal like features, and I know I can't do magic, so what am I?"

"We can't actually be sure," I explained.

"Although, you're definitely not Mage," Comet informed her, a red hand print on her cheek from where she'd been resting on it.

"We will have a blood test done, that should give us more information," Griffin stated, pressing a button on his chair.

Someone soon arrived and took the needed dose from Rebels arm. She squirmed slightly and flinched when it entered but it was soon over.

"Even so, we can't be sure what race her mother was," Griffin commented.

Rebel nodded, "oh I'm sure she was."

My forehead creased slightly, "how can you be so certain?"

"I can feel it, I'm sure she told me once," Rebel whispered determinedly. "As though it's a memory I can't quite see."

It seemed uncertain but there was no way to know if it was the truth or not.

A loud knock on the door soon interrupted our thoughts. Jumping from his chair, Griffin raced to open it. I knew instantly who it was from the strong stance and unhappy smile.

"Your Highness, did you forget about our meeting?" Karina twitched menacingly.

"Oh, Coco, yes, our meeting, I'll be right there," Griffin attempted to close the door on her but her piercing eyes had already seen us all around the table.

"I hope this isn't something I should be worried about Griffin?"

"Of course not, they were just leaving anyway," Griffin assured her, indicating that we should follow his instructions.

Helping Rebel from her seat, we followed Comet and Honour from the room. As I passed Griffin, he clutched the top of my arm, making me flinch in protest.

"Tell her, I couldn't do it, it would have brought unwanted attention to her," Griffin shook me fiercely.

"What are you?"

"Just promise me, promise me you'll tell her Lady Amethyst," Griffin pleaded.

I nodded, although not certain what I had agreed to. The next thing I knew, I was pushed from the door, Karina's grinning face the last thing I saw before the door slammed behind me.

"Do we like him?" Rebel asked uncertainly.

"Sometimes," I mumbled, still trying to work out what he had been on about.

"Absolutely not," Comet spoke over me, linking her arm through Rebel's and directing her away from the King's rooms.

Following, I could hear all the gossip Rebel was currently being told. Sure, she had a lot to catch up on, but I didn't think she wanted to hear about Comet and her misfortunes.

"Come on," I hurried to Rebel's other side, "let's find you a free room for you to stay in."

Rebel's eyes grew wide, "my own room? That isn't dark and wet?"

I nodded, her happiness making me smile.

"Of course, you're one of us now." Comet squeezed her arm.

"Whether you like it or not," I whispered into her ear.

Rebel giggled.

I decided then that we would be good friends, no matter what race she turned out to be.


Ugh, so, I LOVE writing so much, but I keep procrastonating like CRAZY. Started wtiting this last friday and it's taken me so long to finish so I'm really sorry.

That is if anyone is actually reading this. If you are, then I love you and here's a free cookie.

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