Chapter 6. Happier?

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Ushijima W

We walk past the school entrance and towards the gym. I'm glad they talked it out, I'm positive the fight would've messed with his performance in front of the coach. I take a glance at Oikawa in the corner of my eye, I see he looks pretty nervous. "Don't be so nervous, your talent will get you on good terms with the coach," I say and he starts taking slow deep breaths to calm himself.

After making it to the gym I tell Oikawa to stay back while I talked to the coach, he nodded in response. I walk in and look at everyone who was setting up. Tendou almost immediately runs up to me, noticing I'm later than usual. "You okay!? You're usually one of the first few people here!" Tendou was excited to see me. "I'm fine, I just brought something the coach would like to see. Where is he?" I say and Tendou points to the coach who just started yelling at Goshiki for messing up something. He must be off his game today, that usually never happens.

I walk up to both of them and the coach looks at me raising an eyebrow. "You're not early like you usually are, what's that about." He immediately questioned me with good reason, Goshiki had gone back to practicing. It was rare for me to go off schedule, but Oikawa was an exception. "I actually brought you a new potential setter," I say his confused face now changing into curiosity. "Do I know this setter?" He asks crossing his arms and I nod in response. "Oikawa Toru, he told me he'd like to try our team." Coach's face turning into pure shock, he seemed genuinely shocked. "You somehow got that prideful setter from Aoba johsai to come here?" I nod and he seemed to still be very surprised.

He looked around, he seemed to be looking for something. "Where is he?" My eyes widen as I remember I left him outside in the cold. "I actually left him outside, give me one moment." I ran to the other side of the gym towards the door. I slide the door open and motioned for him to come in. He slowly followed me inside, causing everyone to look at him in shock. I look at Oikawa who was smirking, it seemed he liked being the center of attention.

We continued to walk till we stopped in front of our coach. "I didn't take Ushijima to be the one to make jokes. But when I heard him say he brought you as a new potential setter I thought he was joking. Are you actually here for that?" He asked Oikawa with a raised eyebrow. I look at Oikawa who was smiling. "Of course, I wouldn't have walked all the way over here if I wasn't." As Oikawa spoke I noticed Shirabu stop practicing and looking in our direction. He must be watching Oikawa, I wonder what he's thinking.

I walked away and let them talk it out, I had to get my stretches done. I got changed and when I came back Oikawa was talking with Goshiki. I started my stretches getting prepared for practice when I see Oikawa sit next to me. "Your team awfully stares a lot." I hear him say as I look up to the team mid-stretch. Their eyes shoot right back to practicing their receives with each other. "Only with you, I guess," I said causing him to laugh a little.

After I was done stretching I stood up and walked to the cart full of volleyballs. Right before I grabbed one I see a hand grab the ball I was trying to grab. I look up to see Oikawa smirking at me. "Let me set to you." I noticed his smirk looked kinda forced, why? "Okay, give it to me." I hold out my hand and he hands it to me. He runs to the net prepared to set the ball.

As I'm tossing the ball in the air I noticed that many people stopped what they were doing to watch. Once the ball was airborne I made sure my timing was right and ran to the net. He set the ball as I jumped, the set was long. But it was good enough for me to hit, I quickly spiked it with full force hearing it hit the floor as hard as it usually does.

I land on the ground and look at Oikawa he looked mad. "It was long, my bad." I shake my head and go get the ball. I could feel the coach's eyes glaring in our general direction, he must be made at the set. The rest of practice was basically normal, I kept looking at Oikawa. Everything he did was different than Shirabu and semi. It looked like he connected with everyone extremely fast, though I'm not surprised. After morning practice was done he had to leave early to be able to get back to his school. I waved him off as he left, everyone else except for Seni and Tendou. I wonder what's wrong with them.

A few minutes after he left we closed up the gym and everyone went to get changed. We got changed into our normal uniforms and went on with our day normally. During one of my classes, we had to take a massive amount of notes, I didn't mind. As I'm writing notes my mind starts drifting off thinking about the practice after school. Did Oikawa like the first practice? Will Oikawa come back on his own? I shake my head softly getting back to focus on taking my notes.

After school, I walk with Tendou to get changed. "Wakatoshi, you've been a bit happier since this morning." Tendou pointed out as we walked down some steps. "Why do you say that?" I ask as we reach the bottom and he just smiles. "I saw you losing focus in class for the first time. Definitely not because of the boring notes." He laughed and walked ahead as I thought about his words. I caught back up to him still thinking about what he said.

As we were getting changed Tendou nudged me with his hip. "You still thinking about it?" He said giving me a smirk. I look into my locker grabbing my shirt. "Yes.. I've never thought about it, I guess I have been happier," I said to more like a question. Tendou laughed as he slid his shirt on. I slid my shirt over my head sliding my arms through the sleeves with ease. I sigh placing my unneeded things in the locker closing it softly.

I head out towards the gym, I couldn't help but feel anxious. What if he's not there? I make it to the door and slide it open revealing Oikawa practicing his serves. He was by himself, there were so many volleyballs on the other side of the court. How long was he at this? I walk in and he finally noticed that I was watching, he turned to me with a frustrated look.

I grabbed a ball the was by the door and I walked up to him. I held the ball out for him, he took it the look of frustration still on his face. "What's bothering you?" I ask as I watch him serve the ball onto a bottle that was in an extremely hard place to hit with that much force. He looked back at me and sighed his look of frustration leaving being replaced with a sad one. "I practice my serves when I get frustrated. My old teammates were bugging me, trying to gain my attention." He said but our conversation was interrupted by everyone else coming in. His look of sadness went away almost instantly when he noticed everyone. he can change his expressions really fast, he's amazing at acting.

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