𝙶𝚒𝚢𝚞𝚞'𝚜 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝-𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚓𝚘𝚋

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"Okay class, welcome back from fall break! How are you all feeling?!"

You sit down at your desk and throw your backpack down angrily. The day just barely started and you already want to go home, but luckily, you're seated between Shinobu and Kyojuro.

Shinobu is your good friend from grade school. She's known you the longest out of all of your friends and is well known for her exceptional grades. 

Shinobu is constantly under pressure from her peers and her parents to keep a perfect image, and sometimes she needs to make an extra buck for her morning coffee; so she started selling hallucinogenic drugs to curious college students.

Kyojuro, on the other hand, is a fiery-haired boy you just met this year. He's new to the school and never knows when to shut his loud mouth, but you like him because he's kind of a himbo.

 Exceptionally good at sports and popular with the girls, Kyojuro never fails to win your approval with his innocent toothy smile, even when he does something completely absurd.

"Careful, (Y/n)" Shinobu's eyelid twitched and she moved swiftly to pick up her coffee when you nearly knock it away from her desk

"My bad" You whisper back

Kyojuro leans over you and looks at Shinobu 

"You should really ease up on the caffeine Kochou-san! It isn't good for your anxiety!" He blurts out

"Will you be quiet? And stop calling me 'Kochou-san', I'm not an old grandma" Shinobu sighs, setting her coffee down next to her papers "Just Shinobu is fine."

"Before we start today's lesson Im gonna call on some people to share about how their break went," Hisa sensei says "I also want you to share how you feel to be back!"

"oh no" You groan and faceplant into your desk.

You really didn't do anything besides stay in bed watching tv, so you'll either have to come up with something interesting or just not say anything at all. 

"Starting from this side of the room," Hisa sensei points to Kyojuro

"yes ma'am!" Kyojuro stands up proudly and raises his voice "I HAD AN AMAZING BREAK!! I ate lots of food, and I went swimming!!"

"Kyojuro dear, you need not stand up while you speak" Hisa sensei laughs

"Dumbass" Obanai says from the back corner of the room, and one of the girls in the class throws a book at his head

"So how do you feel to be back?" Hisa asks


Hisa sensei giggles and you laugh a little as well

Kyojuro sits down and the class goes quiet because most of the girls are fawning over the boy, but he just thinks its because they're tired

"Okay! (Y/n)'s turn!" Hisa says


"Can you come back to me Hisa sensei? I am still thinking" You laugh nervously

"Of course dear. How about you Shinobu?" Hisa sensei asks

Shinobu tilts her head and closes her eyes, giving her signature smile "I had a very productive break filled with studying and good fortune! I even got to visit my sister at the college."

"Did you? How lovely" Hisa says "How does it feel to be back?"

"...invigorating!" a tick appears at Shinobu's head and she clenches her coffee cup, spilling coffee on her desk. Her fist is shaking in anxiety

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