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Vanessa's Pov

So I'm packing to go on vacation with family and my friend Brianna who's more like my sister. My mom was planning to rent a house in Pennsylvania By Split Rock so we could have some fun.

Brianna: Nessa I'm ready

Nessa: well then come on Brii lets go to the car && wait for my mom && step dad

Bri: kk

Me && Brii has been in the car for bout 10 mins talking about what we were going to do when we get to p.a we've came up with so many things

Brii: when we get there we going to unpack all our things in the draws && stuff

Nessa: Yeaa && when we finish we're gonna put our bathing suits on under only shorts without a shirt cause it's way to hot.

Brii: i know right

Janae's Pov

My Parents are taking me && my close friend to P.a we're going to stay in the Split Rock Resorts.

Janae: Halie don't forget ur bathing suits

Halie: I'm not

Janae: Yeaa okk

Janae's mom: let's go to the car ladies

We rolled out, can't wait to get there, we're gonna have so much fun !! Just watch!!

Janae: halie I can't wait !!

Halie: me either!!

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