Chapter 92: Baratheon-Martell Peace Talks (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

A Dornish servant assists Shae and Brella set down food and drink on the table before returning to their posts.

"Pie looks good," Olyvar commented.

Doran, Oberyn and Trystane took a plate of pigeon pie with Daveth, Sansa, Myrcella, Olyvar, Jaime and Lucius each taking a piece along with their respective goblets of wine.

"You appear to be much calmer this time," Oberyn said to Daveth.

"It belies a Baratheon temper. That, and my wife always kept telling me that suppressing one's feelings is not healthy."

"Wise woman."

Sansa rolled her eyes. "You're very kind, Prince Oberyn," she said politely.

"That aside, it is best that we continue where we left off," Doran noted.

It all became serious now. Daveth and Sansa listened closely as Prince Doran unveiled a parchment; a thoroughly worded treaty, it consisted of a list of terms and agreements that he believed would function as a compromise between Dorne and the Iron Throne.

"Now, I won't deny the fact that you are of Baratheon and Lannister descent and there are still some who remain unsure about you," he began, "but what doesn't change is the fact that you were the only monarch since King Daeron II to make any effort to reach out to us in Dorne spoke volume of one's character."

"159 years ago, House Martell got into bed with the dragons of House Targaryen," Oberyn mentioned. "As my brother said, we took Daeron and his sister for our own before they could take each other. That's how six kingdoms became seven. How you sent your own sister Princess Myrcella to us was almost quite similar, though not quite exactly similar to circumstances."

"Many in Dorne want war. But when Oberyn came back with the Mountain's head and when we learned of Tywin Lannister's... untimely demise, some of the grumbles have died down."

Oberyn's face changed expressions. "Our sister Elia Martell was a rare flower in our land. Hers had no thorn; she was kind and clever and had a gentle heart. Dorne loved her. We would've died for her, and her children."

"I've seen war. I've seen bodies piled on the battlefields. I've seen the orphans starving in the cities. I don't want to lead my people into that hell unnecessarily."

"When we swear oaths, we keep them. We needed no threats from King Aerys, though he made them anyway in his madness and condemned our sister and her children to their fate. We know that war is terrible and sometimes men must do terrible things to wage it... and to end it."

Daveth and Sansa said nothing as they watched the Martell brothers Doran and Oberyn speak. To them, perhaps there was somewhat of a lesson that needed to be told. The King held his wife's hand in his own, and she gave a gentle squeeze as reassurance. Jaime looked on grimly, while Lucius and Olyvar observed with wine goblets still in their hands barely touching their lips.

"Do you understand what we're trying to tell you?" Oberyn asked.

Sansa spoke first. "That mountains of gold or military force are not always the ways to sue for peace," she said.

The Red Viper nodded. "Correct. Whether by blood... or talking to us can it be possible."

"I know things will never be easy for you, my lords. Nor can we make promises we are unable to keep. But I do hope that we can achieve an everlasting peace between us and make amends so the Martells of Dorne and the Baratheons of King's Landing cadet branch may be friends."

Ellaria noted how Queen Sansa was speaking. Break bread with the Baratheons, Lannisters and Starks, she thought. Though the look Oberyn gave her told her that justice was already done; and there wasn't a need for more.

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