Facts about William (A_D & LGP)

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- William loves all of his children equally, but has problems with showing it.
- He had designed the animatronics to kill children, however never intended his children to fall victims to his creations.
- He doesn't regrets killing Gabriel, Susie & Fritz, but intended to kill Jeremy, Cassidy & Charlie (Jeremy is the younger brother of Jermaine [an old friend of Michael in my AU] and Cassidy was a good friend of Felix/C.C).

- He has the following phobias:

Arsonphobia- Fear of fire.
Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotten/ignored/forgetting.
•Autophobia- Fear of being alone.
•Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.
•Clithrophobia/Cleithrophobia/Cleistophobia- Fear of being enclosed/locked up.
•Phasmophobia- Fear of ghosts.
•Trypanophobia- Fear of Injections.

- William is on good terms with his father and siblings, however he wishes to never see his mother again, due to what she had done to him, his father and siblings in the past.
- William had designs of Ennard, but he had no time to finish him and discarded him in the underground facility [CB's rentals], eventually forgetting of his existence.
- Cool colors such as purple and blue are his favorites.
- In his opinion, the Phantom animatronics are even more annoying than the souls of the missing children.

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