George smiled, "Seemed like a good time." 

Wilbur shook his head with a grin, "We don't even have a guest room." 

He rolled his eyes, "He took Niki and I's room and made us sleep with Tommy." 

"Sounds like a very 'old person' thing to do." George told him, and they both shared a laugh. 

Wilbur watched George closely, almost as if he was waiting for a certain reaction, but found nothing there. 

"Oh," Wilbur saw George's book and pencil, "may I borrow your pencil for a moment?" 

George nodded and handed him the pencil. 

Wilbur took out his pocket notebook and scratched a few lines on before returning it, "Thank you." 

George took the pencil, "No problem. What brings you to the park?" 

Wilbur turned to Niki and then back to George and whispered, "In all honesty, to escape my father." 

"Is that bad?" George said. 

"Not necessarily." Wilbur explained, "He lives in England. Obviously, I'm a Brit and I was born there, but he wasn't. Anyway that's too long of a story, basically he's moody because he's old and because of jetlag." 

"I've actually thought about how funny it was that us Brits ended up in a neighborhood a couple houses from each other in Florida." George joked. 

Wilbur nodded, "Yeah, well," he ate a spoon of ice cream, "dad bought us a house here, said Florida was fun. I mean who'd say no to a house." 

George was giving what Wilbur said some thought when suddenly, out of nowhere, Techno was walking towards them, pulling at his hair. 

"You come here to escape him too, Techno?" Wilbur grinned.

Techno rolled his eyes, "He keeps wanting me to fight him." He complained, "An old man wanting to fight me." 

Wilbur turned to George, "Dad and his old friend used to come over and teach us how to fight. We'd fence, kick-box, you name it." 

George let out a breath of laughter, "Sounds like quite the man." 

"That he is." Techno said plainly as he picked up an ice cream cup from the table. 

"Oh Techno," Niki said, and Techno turned toward her, "that's Tubbo's ice cream, he left it there to go play with Tommy." 

"So I'm stealing from a child?" Techno questioned, "That makes it so much better." 

George thought he actually was going to steal the ice cream, but he put it down and sat on the table part of the bench. 

"So Techno, you're American but I presume you and Wilbur are brothers?" George asked. 

Techno nodded, "Got used to this country, I guess." 

"It's an impressive American accent." George complimented 

"Yeah well, I do it because it sounds better than my British one." Techno admitted with a shrug. 

"Niki are you sure Tubbo doesn't want this ice cream?" 

"Let it alone, Techno." Niki scolded, and Techno sighed in defeat, he couldn't win against her. 

There was a vibration coming from the bench, George checked his phone but it wasn't his, "It's not mine that's ringing, I reckon it's yours." 

Wilbur checked his back pocket and indeed his phone was ringing, "Oh, it's dad." 

Techno glanced over, "What does the old man want this time." He said plainly. 

Wilbur answered, and George could hear faint mumbling. "Mhm." Wilbur said, "Yes, I have, dad. No that's tomorrow, not today. How do I know? Dad you were the one that wrote that date down, how do you not know? Alright that's fine. Bye dad." 

Techno raised his eyebrows. "He was just uh- checking in on where we went. Said it was a mistake leaving him alone in the house." 

"Oh no, what did he do to the house," Niki said. 

"We'll have to see." Wilbur sighed, "We're going to head home now, George. I'm a bit scared as to what he's done to the house, but maybe if we get there earlier enough we can prevent more damage." 

George laughed, "Alright then. It's getting late and I should probably head home as well." 

Wilbur smiled, "Sounds good. Have a nice evening, George!" 

"You and your family as well." George waved them goodbye.

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