Just a Friend

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Helmut Zemo x reader

TWs: mentions and descriptions of alcohol, almost crying in public

In case this is your first fic or just so there's no confusion:
Y/n: Your name
L/n: Last name

Pronouns: none!

Gotta love being ditched at the club, amiright?


You had a quick shot, rubbing your forehead as you did. You turned out to the dance floor and someone stood in the crowd under all the purple and blue flashing lights. He wasn't that tall, but he had a round face and smooth brown hair and was dancing in a rather awkwardly charming way to the raving techno beats. You smiled and didn't notice that your focus hadn't wavered from him for at least a full minute until he looked at you. You quickly spun around back to the bar, cursing yourself and hoping he hadn't noticed you before your accidental eye contact. You hadn't been watching him that long, had you? You groaned realizing that a second song had started, meaning you'd been staring for a good while.

You turned your head over your shoulder just slightly, and sure enough, he was making his way through the crowd to you. You quickly signaled the bartender to give you another of the same and downed it, coughing a couple of times as it burned your throat. "Is this seat taken?" He asked leaning against the bar and pointing to the seat next to you. He had what seemed to be a Slavic accent and looked at you with eyes that you could now make out to be a dark chocolate brown. "No," you said with a shrug and he sat down next to you. You purposely looked down into your empty shot glass, trying to avoid looking at him as he ordered a drink and took a quick sip of it. "So... What brings you here? To Madripoor?" He asked with a mannerism starkly contrasting his awkwardness on the dance floor. You glanced at him, despite your restraint, and gave another shrug. "Can I buy you a drink? You look lonely," You sighed, the alcohol fuzzing your head but not seeming to numb you enough to stop everything from showing on your face. "I'm fine, thank you." "Oh, alright then...." He took another sip of his drink and leaned forward on his elbows onto the bar.

A few moments passed, the air feeling thick with your insisted silence. "You know it's sad but understandable. To come to a big party, only to drink at the bar alone." You let out a breath; giving in. "I had a date, they ditched." "I'm sorry to hear that," He nodded sincerely, tilting his head. "Were they not good to you? If they left you all alone here you probably deserve better." He threw back the rest of the shot, setting it down and turning to face you. "I... I dunno... Ughh...." You held your temple and tried to hold back tears, not wanting to cry in front of a stranger. This place was too damn open, too many people. It didn't feel good at all when there wasn't someone else to stay near to. "Hey hey, shhh.... If they made you feel like this they were definitely not worth it," he put his hand on your shoulder, patting it a few times gently. "Please don't cry, I hate to see someone so beautiful in tears." You couldn't help but chuckle, wiping your face off on your sleeve, trying to recompose yourself, feeling safe as you could see not a single person in the bar had even noticed you. That would've really topped off the night. "I... Thank you. I've just not been feeling myself at all lately.... And then they dumped me, and I just felt so... used. Who are you anyway?"
"My name is Helmut. Helmut Zemo. And you?"
"Y/n l/n," you said. He smiled and sat up a little straighter. "You look a little drunk, maybe better you turned down that drink."
"Oh, yeah," you rubbed your cheek, knowing you probably looked a mess. "I've already had three,"
"Impressive." He said with a nod. You looked at him and chuckled again, knowing he was just flattering you. He felt his heart flutter at your laugh, glad you hadn't rejected him outright and that you were both in at least light conversation. It felt nice.

"I saw you looking at me from the dance floor, I was... honestly a little startled at first. I don't get out much."
"Yeah, I'm sorry."
"No need to apologize, I'm sure I stood out like a sore thumb."
"Not that much. It... It was actually really good. Better than some." He shook his head lightheartedly and changed the subject. "What about you, Y/n? Do you dance?"
"I uh... No not really." You lied. "I understand if you're not feeling it tonight; but I'd love to dance with you sometime. Not techno though, you already saw that." You swore you saw his cheeks tinge pink as he coughed into his hand and turned away briefly. "That... I'd like that." You said with a smile. Several more minutes passed in pleasant quiet, as the song changed to a more relaxed beat. The speech of the people around you undisturbing and undisturbed by two people just appreciating each other's presence, in a strangely uneventful way.

You talked a bit more, about nothing really important, and as Helmut was answering a question you'd asked his gaze turned to someone behind you, and an annoyed expression came over his face. "I'm sorry, I have to go," he looked apologetic. "Here," you said impulsively, pulling a napkin from the counter and scrawling your number on it, and handing it to him. "Thank you, Y/n, I hope I see you again." He said knowing he probably wouldn't. He'd been isolated from the whole world for five years, couldn't he just have a nice night out? You nodded, giving him a small wave as he walked off to a man with a short military cut by the door. "Who was that?" Bucky asked as he and Helmut stepped out into the cool night air. "Just a friend," he said, tucking the napkin in his pocket and glancing off at nothing. "Just a friend."

Helmut Zemo x reader DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now