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Character Sketch

The Raisinghania's

Chandrika Raisinghania- Grandmother

Vikrant Raisinghania /Senior Raisinghania -Father
Uma Raisinghania -Mother

Vansh Raisinghania -Male Lead

Ishani Angre -elder sister

Siya Raisinghania- younger sister

Rudra Raisinghania -Uncle

Chanchal Raisinghania-Aunt

Aryan Raisinghania- Brother

Ranvijay AAngre - Brother -in-law

Anupriya Sharma - Aunt /Masi Ma

Akhil Chopra- Riddhima's Father

Ridhhima Chopra-Female Lead and a Psychologist

Kabir Sharma - Anu 's illegitimate child

Ragini Pathak - Vansh's fiancé

Minor character

Mohan and Sonam Pathak - Ragini's Parent

Sejal - Riddhima's best friend and a Dermatologist

Zafar and Nitin - - Riddhima's Personal Bodyguard

Gagan and Malik - Vansh 's henchmen

Sinha- Vikrant's secretary

Uday Kalra - Siya's phsyiotherapist and lover.

Others .....


6-15 a.m. VR Mansion.

6.4. 2022

Present time -

Riddhima smiled at them. The soft glow of the sun, kissed their faces in unison. They are the most priceless persons of her life, they are too adorable! "Aww"!she mumbled. She sat up and then tried to get down tip toed from the bed not disturbing Vansh,  at all, but she was encircled by his firm but gentle grip,

She could watch her image conically in the mirror.The love bites of the last night was fresh underneath her neck and some may be even found in her breasts. She smiled and ruffled his hair, kissed the side of his temple and finally managed to get rid of his embrace.

Closing the satin curtains of the window pane, she took her daughter's tiny soft body in her embrace.
"Sweetheart! Is princess awake"?. asked Vansh still sleepy in his tone.He must have awoken as she was not in her arms
"No! I am feeding her. She soon will drift to sleep. Dont Worry!"

said ...Riddhima Rai Singhania, smiling, a proud mother of her six months old little princess, Pari Raisinghania.

Apart being a happy mother,
She is a happy and contented wife, as well. She is now the Luna of her pack, The queen of his Empire The perfect soulmate of Alpha Male,The Buisness Moghul of Mumbai,Vansh Rai.Singnia.....The man, whom she loved more than anything Riddhima kissed her little baby and put her in the baby cot.

Vansh streched out his hand and said -"Riddhima...Come to me..

.Riddhima dismissed his offer, but got into the bed...

said she in a playful tone -

"Not now Mr Horny Husband..I have no time for ur Hanky and Panky."

"Oh is it!"

He snorts a little, and pulled  her in his arms. Her long traces fall on his nose,  and covered his beard laddened well sculptured face.

Her creamy bare legs entangled into his cargos.Knowing very well, its of no avail, Riddhima still reprimands him.

-"Vansh!! No!! "

But all her pleads blew away by the kisses he traced in her neck and collar bone. Before she could stop him, he sushed her up by claiming her lips into his.

"Shut up"! commanded he....
"Let me have my morning dose".

He said, and unstring the knot of her  night gown,in one go.

6-55 a.m.

Riddhima, sweaty,but satisfied lay in his arms. She closed her eyes and reminsces. Life was not this happy and in harmony before,atleast not 2.5 years ago, She had to make it,she had to earn it. She had to emerge to the being in which today she is....

She lose many dear ones,in this process, faces the wrath of the world, she had to bear the bittermost truth and the horrendous lie.But the only thing that was constant in her life was "Him! "

The name, which itself is a symbol of aura and power,to the outsiders.

But Vansh was her mentor, care giver,lover, guide and protector.

The world shudders in fear, when her husband appears to it with his towering figure and menacing glance, but its her little cute secret,only she knows that he could be the safest man and warmest company a girl can ever dreamt of..

.Riddhima gently slided her body to her rightmost corner and open the cabinet...and bring out a leather bind covered diary and flip its pages.

6. 4. 2019

.Everything changed in that day, and her life especially was totally upside was his fathers birthday .a lone tear escaped her eyes and she murmur Happy Birthday Papa"!!

It is a flashback story. Enjoy and Make inline comment.

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