Life Is Like Diamonds In The Sun..... And Diamonds Are Forever.....

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“You are telling me that person in there who is possessing my son body. Who is evil of mind and soul is some kind of distant relative?” It really wasn’t a question more of a statement as I couldn’t really wrap my mind about all this right now. My head felt like it was going to explode as I didn’t know how much more I could take. I just wanted my son back that was it.

“Siena your family history is so mixed up and filled with so much deceit and none of it is your fault….” She began to say and I stopped her in mid-sentence.

“Damn right it’s not my fault!” I let my frustration out on her. I looked to see that Lucile was offended by my behaviour. She didn’t deserved to get the waft of my anger as it wasn’t her fault. “I’m sorry Lucile just I’m so tired all this. I just want my family to be back together” Everyone was separated right now all I wanted was for us to all be back together. I guess more than anything I missed Damon and I hated how things were between us. Then it hit me how Damon would react when he finds out that in that cell wasn’t our son and in fact was Nickar. “Damon….. Omg he going to go crazy! He will kill him” I felt my heart pounding against my chest as I had no idea when Damon would return and I knew he would not hesitate in driving a stake through Nickar heart. If Nickar dies then that would mean Nico would too. I couldn’t hold back my tears no more as I could see no good come out of any of this.

“That’s not going to happen Siena” Lucile grabbed hold of me with a stern look in her eyes of determination “I promise you that your life with your family isn’t always going to be filled with gloom. That the four of you will find happiness” Every part of me wanted to believe everything she was saying I just didn’t see no light at the end of all this. “There not much you can do here.” She spoke to me calmly but I couldn’t leave I had to stay encase she needed me for anything.

“She right Siena…” I heard Enzo voice as I looked up I could see him looking at me with compassion which meant he heard everything. None of this was working out well at all what if Enzo tells Damon about what happened to Nico.

“I can’t leave” I told the both of them firmly as I couldn’t walk away from him. Even knowing what I knew that it wasn’t Nico in that cell. But beneath all that I knew my Nico was fighting to make his way to surface.

“Your exhausted and I’m going to need a few items for you to procure once I know what I’m dealing with” She held my hand tightly and I felt a sense of assurance from her as I knew she would do anything in her power to help. “You have people who care for you and care for the wellbeing of your son. Sometimes it’s not magic that makes a miracle happen. Its love and faith. You need to be with your family and friends.” I nodded in agreement as I was a mess being here and maybe going home and gather my thoughts might help. Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can't always understand them but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith. I needed to put my faith into Lucile that she will bring my son back.

Isabella P.O.V

I didn’t expect my first moment in New Orleans to kind of end up in some kind of bar brawl. God that guy was such a douche thinking that him and his British charm would make me compile to his every word. Like his flirtatious ways were going to do anything. I haven’t met many guys but if they are like that then I’m going to have serious issue in the future. I mean he called me a witch and asked if I was on something called vervain. What the hell was that all about? Then basically threaten me! Oh he so didn’t want to get on my bad side. To be honest I don’t even know how bad my bad side was but I’m imaging it’s pretty bad. Like I saw how my mom loses it and well my dad he’s kind of known for his loss of temper. I’m sure I’ve inherited it and it didn’t all go to Nico. Well I hope not because that would really suck.

'Inflamed Passion' A Damon Salvatore Love Story. Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon