Start from the beginning

Killing four people, your mom's death, your leg. It was almost like a landslide of your emotions that were built up finally crashing.

"I hate you Eren." You said, Eren eyes widening at your words as he seemed to freeze. The girl he seemed to love the most hated him. He knew he deserved it, he deserved every last ounce of hate that you could form in your body. But a part of him didn't like the idea of you hating him.

"You ruined my life, you ruined everything." You said, your voice hitching from sobs. Eren sucked his teeth in and took in your harsh words. He didn't dare to open his mouth and protest at what you were saying to him no matter how much your words hurt him.

"I killed people because of you, I killed people to try and stay alive. But I did it all for nothing. Nothing Eren!" You shouted. Your eyes finally looking up at him as tears not only rolled down your face but Eren's too. Your words weren't empty when you were saying this about him, in this moment in time you truly hated Eren.

"My mom is dead Eren! My leg is probably a lost cause and I'm being taken somewhere I don't know!" Eren looked down at his lap, he knew you had built up all this anger over the time that the fight in your town was happening so he let you lash out no matter what you said or did. He thought it was the least he could do since he seemingly destroyed everything you loved.

"I loved you Eren! I cared about you! I would have taken on the world for you even though we had just met not even a couple months ago! And this is how you react back? Turning on me, betraying me and destroying my home? I bet you didn't even love me-"

"Shut up!" Eren snapped, though he told himself he would let you lash out on him saying anything you pleased- he simply couldn't let you think such a lie. "You think I didn't love you Y/n? I tried everything I could mentally and physically to stop them from attacking Marley! I was almost put in a prison for not wanting to go through with it! Every single damn day leading up to this one I tried to stop them! Everyone! I couldn't!" Eren yelled, his eyes flooding with tears.

You looked into Eren's emerald eyes- but they weren't as bright as they were those days on the hill. When he was laughing and smiling; finding any way to make you smile because he loved seeing you happy. The bitter faces he would make when you had him try new foods he didn't like- his face when you would kiss him on the cheek and his face lit up brighter than a tomato.

But now looking at Eren all you saw was a boy who had lost his spark, his eyes filled with tears as he tried whipping them away. His brown hair messy- something he never let his hair get like.

"I'm weak Y/n, I can't protect you. I tried my hardest and yet I wasn't strong enough." Eren spoke, his eyes pierced through your soul as you looked back into his eyes. You didn't know what to say to Eren, you were at a loss for words. "This wasn't in my memories." He said, his hands moving to his head and gripping his hair. "What do you mean by memories?" You asked bitterly as you watched Eren crumble in front of you.

"You weren't- I wasn't- we never-" Eren stammered, trying to find his words. "You were never supposed to meet me, I wasn't supposed to know who you were." You paused at Eren's words, he had destroyed your town and lost his mind doing it apparently. 'How did you do it Y/n?" Eren asked, finally looking back up at you. A smile on his lips- but not one you have ever seen on anyone before. The smile on his lips made him look crazy- the tears running down his face only added to the factor as his eyes looked dead.

"How did you change the future?"

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Hello! I want to apologize for uploading chapter twenty again, yesterdays first attempt at writing this chapter was not something I was proud of and was not the way I wanted the story to end

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Hello! I want to apologize for uploading chapter twenty again, yesterdays first attempt at writing this chapter was not something I was proud of and was not the way I wanted the story to end. I simply was going off requests of the readers wanting a certain ending but that ending wasn't what I had in plan making one of the last chapters messy- while this one fits with the plot I had in mind far better. But thank you for listening to my unnecessary rate about yesterdays horrible chapter haha, but much love and stay safe!! <3!

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