chapter vi

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It's been a week since the attack on Sector 5. You won, yeah, but the team also lost some of their best. The camp atmosphere has changed a little. The urgency of the issue has gone up, and the whole base seems to be on edge. You all know there's an attack coming up, and nobody's ready. Captain is legitimately considering hiding the attack out.

Steve is one of few who is actually recovering. In the words of one of the medics, "you did a shit job bandaging him up, but it might've saved his life." You finished your training quickly, as there were more available to help you prepare for combat. Today is your first day being a recognized soldier, and not just a recruit, and it feels no different. You just have more spare time. You decide to swing by the Medcamp, just to make sure Steve's okay. 

Steve's wound ended up infected because you forgot to treat it with antibiotics. Oops. He needed a little extra care but he came out fine, and today is his last day in the Medcamp, just to make sure he's all good to go. You told him two days ago that you'd visit him the next day, which you completely forgot about, so now you're fulfilling your obligation a day late. 

As you step into the medcamp building, you prepare yourself for what to say if Steve, reasonably, gets mad at you. Your mind races with these thoughts as you walk down the hall and into the room where Steve's bed is. You see a medic leaning against a small table, reading through some notes on a clipboard. You then notice Steve lying on the cot, unconscious. You snicker; he must be sleeping in.

"Hey, [Y/N]," the medic comments, noticing you. You've swung by a couple times, so you've gotten to know each other. The medic's name is Charles, a name that sounds familiar, but you can't pin it. Regardless, you talk for a while until Steve wakes up. Charles informs you that Steve got shots last night and wasn't able to sleep due to nightmares about needles. You find this hilarious; Steve is more afraid of needles than actually getting shot.

"Huh..?" Steve mutters, cloudy and confused. Both you and Charles laugh at his disorientation. 
"Morning, sleepyhead." You sit next to his bed while Charles does something over at a roll-in cart.
"... What time is it..?" He asks, still trying to take in the area.
"Damn... It sure as hell doesn't feel like it."
"Well, how do you feel?" 
".. A little lonely."
"No, I meant-" You snicker a small amount before processing what Steve had said. "Wait, what? Lonely?"
"Yeah. It's only you and Cap who visit me, really, and.. well, you're both busy all the time, and.." Steve trails off.
You sit there moment, trying to think of something to say. You didn't really expect that, especially from him, so you need a second to think. "I'm sorry." You're about to say more when Charles comes back over, needle in hand. 

"Okay, Steve, this is your last shot-"
Steve already looks fucking terrified. "Relax, bud," you say nonchalantly, in an effort to comfort him. But he quickly buries his face into your chest, which catches you off guard. "Woah, is it that bad?" He nods as you hear a soft sniffle from under his helmet. You have to admit, it's kind of hilarious, but you want to be able to comfort him. "It's just a needle," you assure him, "it's like.. a tiny little pinch."

As you relieve Steve's doubts, which seems to help a bit, Charles, without any warning, inserts the needle into Steve's arm. Of course, Steve starts freaking out. You kind of also start freaking out because Steve has gone batshit, but you yet try your best to calm him down. A couple seconds of panic later, and it's done. That's literally it. "See?" You look at Steve, smiling. "Not that bad."
"[Y/N]," Steve says almost somberly, staring at you. "That was fucking awful."


699 words


why does this have over 3k reads and why did this take me so long to write

id like to shout out my madness combat oneshot book i got bullied into making as well lmao

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