Chapter One

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The nonstop droning of my Physics teacher about light reflections and whatnot had long bored me. Honestly, this topic was never one of my strong ones - This whole subject in fact was not my strong suit. I could just about, barely, follow the whole syllabus. Fortunately, I was seated in one of the back seats for this term and that made it a whole lot easier to space out.

When I was just minding my own business, the stern voice of my Physics teacher called out my name, "Blue, what is the angle of incidence for this question?" I turned quickly toward her direction and stood up.

Clearing my throat, I answered, "Um, forty-five degrees?"

Her eyes flicked from me to the paper on her hand back to back, "Correct. Sit down." My shoulders drop, I sighed out of relief. I'm safe this time. Not soon after, though not soon enough, the bell rang and signaled the end of the period. "Students, don't forget to submit your assignment by next week Monday or all of you will have to clean the labs! No exceptions."

I'm not sure anyone paid her any attention as they all just filed out of the classroom like worker bees going out to gather nectar. I made a beeline to my locker and gathered my books for my next subject - Biology. Sigh. Another science subject after another. I looked at my watch and saw that I had a few minutes to spare before the class actually started. And a few more hours until I can leave this hellhole.

Besides, the teacher was always a little late so I had plenty of time to enjoy my walk to class.

I looked around the hallway and saw teenagers socialising with each other. And me? Well I was definitely socialising . . . With my locker. And my phone. I pulled out my earphones and put on one of my favourite indie songs before making my way to class. The soft melody rang through my ears which made me feel calm as I made my way through the crowds of people.

Unfortunately, calm was not on the list for today as I caught a glimpse my used-to-be bestfriend and my heart jumped. There he was, Finn Locke, laughing and talking to his friends on the other end of the hallway. Truthfully speaking, I have long since moved on from our seperation but the memories of us biking, or when we climbed the tree at his backyard just to get back a frisbee, will forever have a place in my heart.

He was there for me, when my father died, he was my neighbour before he was my friend. I was around four at the time, when dad died, and a day after, I was crying alone in my backyard. Finn, he found me, and brought me to his house for ice cream. And from that point on, we became closer.

He was one of my friends, or rather, my only friend.

After losing him, I mostly kept to myself and did my own thing. And I wanted to be a good son for my mom so I focused on my studies. The only other friend I have is Mikayla. Somehow we became friends after a certain . . . paint eating incident. I'd rather not talk about it honestly.

I finally reached the class and took my usual seat on the right side of the room, the back one beside the window where I was usually safe from unnecessary attention. I wouldn't really consider myself as an introvert because I do enjoy human interaction, but when it's too much, my social battery runs out and then I just wanna stay in bed.

Our teacher, Mr. Nicholas, finally came in. He was carrying a stack of paper, which at the sight, made almost all of us groan in annoyance. "I know, I know, ahhh a test, how scary." He mocked the students. He placed his things down on the teacher's desk and smirked, "Today's test will be about heritage and inheritance; Punnet squares, mutations and whatnot. And I will also be taking your marks on this test as part of your early year assessment, so please, at least try."

I let out a small smile, at the very least, this topic was on of the easier ones in our syllabus. Everyone else however, still had hints of annoyance. Mr. Nicholas distributed the papers and we were all told to start immediately. I wrote down my name and opened the booklet.

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