"So, first of all, Ziva, you're from London but you have an American accent instead of a British one. How?" Ziva thought in this for a moment. Her mind took her back to all the tour days where she would try to speak in different accents that the city's fellows had "Uh... I don't really know. I guess it was, uh, just a result of the touring maybe? Like I used to tour so much and then I just like used to sort of loose my accent while singing. So I guess with all that, my accent just sort of faded away. Yeah... I guess yeah." She finished with uncertainty.

"Ok. Next question, Ziva, you're twins with Zayn Malik who's dating Gigi Hadid. Is it true that you introduced them?" Ziva smiled widely at this, remembering the first time Zayn had seen Gigi and just how smitten he looked "Yes actually. I had just gotten into modelling and like, Gigi was also sort of new but like she'd been doing it for like around a year I think? Yeah something like that. So, it was a Fendi shoot I was doing and like Gigi was there with her sister Bella and they were the sweetest. The made me feel so welcome and comfortable. I was so nervous and they assured me I would do great and they were yelling out like the biggest encouragement words out there. And that just sort of sparked our friendship. I knew Bella was a fan back then since I had like seen her at concerts and stuff on her socials. So yeah, then we were at these award shows where like I was with Zayn at the bar and he was just sort of looking in her direction all night. He had gotten out of a big messy breakup so I felt like this would be something new and fresh for him. So, I introduced them and I've just sort of been the ship captain of Zigi." Ziva finished as she drew in a breath and the crowd let out a series of "Aww's"

James smiled widely as he spoke "That's literally the cutest thing I've heard this week." And the girl did a small curtesy "Thank you."
"Ok so we're gonna come on to some questions about your career. Any boundaries before we start?" And Ziva knew this part was gonna be cut off when the episode would Air. She couldn't really think of something that was off limits so she put her hand to her chin and thought. After about a minute when she came up with nothing, she just shook her head "Not really James, no. Just go ahead." And the man seemed stunned for a moment. Every interview, there were some boundaries he couldn't cross that the stars set up, but there was none with Ziva Malik. "Uh.. alright. Let's proceed then."
"So, Ziva."
"Yes James?"
"You've been mostly involved in songwriting rather than singing. You've helped many stars like Arianna Grande, Taylor Swift, Ali Gatie And even former band members Harry Styles and your twin Zayn Malik. Do you prefer songwriting more or do you just give them ideas you don't seem fit enough for your release?" And Ziva laughed at that.
"Uh... I think I've always just liked writing more and being the brains behind a song. Like you know? Even when I was in band, I was present at every single writing session and I made sure I liked what we put out there. It's just sort of a more intimate experience for me while writing rather than singing and I sometimes get emotional singing and I turn down the idea.... so yeah I like writing more." James seemed surprised again "So you like the songs you put out there?" "Oh I absolutely adore them."

"So, Ziva you've been known for writing number one top hitting songs and they are all emotional. How do you get the inspiration?"
She hesitated here for a moment and everyone noticed "It's just that I've always taken my emotions out. I was never the one to keep my emotions bottled in unless I.... burst. That's probably why I writing more I guess? Yeah. And as for inspiration, it's just my main emotion. Like if I'm feeling happy, I write something happy. There's no particular like... inspiration route or writing way. I feel something, I write it down, I create a melody and I just put it out there. I don't even put music out there cuz I want it to go to top or something.... I just do. I just want my fans happy. And as long as they like them, it's all that matters for me."
"That's really beautiful." James spoke "Thank you" Ziva replied. James cleared his throat for a moment "Coming to the topic of fans, you're always seen mingling with them. Meet and Greet, concerts every week, and you don't ever refuse a fan. We have a picture of you where you were crying but a fan came up to you and you still smiled with them." Before Names could complete the question, Ziva already knew the answer "I'm grateful for my fans. They're not even that, they're my besties who support me through it all. And I can never refuse to make time for them. I feel as if I ignore them, that's just simply rude. So I just always try to help them with whatever they're going through." James clapped his hands "That's really humble." Ziva smiled at him "Thank you so much." James shook his head "Now you're like probably one of the most special people out there. You've held over 50 concerts in the past month that have raised money for different NGO's everywhere. That's like over 5 million and you've even donated a lot of money along with it." He grabbed a clipboard from the side "The report says that you donated 7 million last year on your birthday. That's a lot of money!" Ziva just shyly sucked her head "It just feels right. There are so many people out there in the world who aren't privileged enough and as someone who has money, fame and amazing millions of besties, It feels just right if I donate some amount of what I earn to the charity so they can become some type of privileged too."

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