Battles for Advantage

Start from the beginning

"All hell has broken loose! These two teams won't wait for War Games!" Vic exclaimed.

"If you think this is bad, wait until the ladder match between Lorcan, Shelley, and Strong!" Beth replied.

It didn't take long for four separate battles to occur all over the ring and ringside: Shotzi against Dakota, Rhea against Raquel, Toni against Tegan, and Ember against Mercedes. The two teams went at it as neither seemed to gain an advantage.

Intent on breaking the deadlock, Dakota quickly tried to smash Shotzi's head against the ladder only to be sent toward it herself, knocking the Kiwi out!

Shotzi immediately climbed the ladder as the others took notice of this! Raquel managed to push Rhea away and tried to intervene, but was caught by Ember with a Running Dropkick! Mercedes took Ember out with a Big Boot as she tried to get up but was immediately kicked in the gut by Toni and hit with Storm Zero. The Aussie turned around into a Forearm Smash from Tegan, who immediately tried to climb the ladder. Rhea, seeing this, went to go try and pull her off the ladder, but was stopped by Dakota with a desperate Chop Block from behind.

Shotzi was in the middle of unhooking the War Games advantage briefcase when Tegan met her at the top of the ladder. The two began trading blows, but Shotzi started to wobble where she was as Tegan threw strong punches at her and even smashed her face against the top step. However, Shotzi managed to hold on and block a punch from Tegan to begin her counterattack. She stunned the Welsh with her own punches before ending with a Dunne-style Forearm Smash of her own, causing Tegan to fall off the ladder and be caught by Dakota and Rhea on the way down!

With everyone else down, Shotzi managed to unhook the briefcase!


"Here is your winner: Shotzi Blackheart!"

"She got it!" Vic exclaimed. "Shotzi Blackheart's team now has the advantage for their War Games match!"

"Consider this a taste of the chaos of War Games season, Vic!" Beth added.

The segment ended as Shotzi sat on top of the ladder, raising the briefcase to the cheers of the audience.

(Post-show segment)

Members of the losing team were outside the arena, and needless to say, they were furious, especially Tegan. She screamed endless (censored) profanities about their situation, feeling the need to repeatedly smash a pipe she took against the wall while Mercedes tried to calm her down to unclear success. When Tegan saw Dakota and Raquel appear in her vicinity, the Welsh looked ready to snap, but the resident Latinas were quick to put some distance between the two former friends.

Tegan didn't say anything as Dakota spoke up with a sigh beforehand.

"Look, like you, I'm not very thrilled for us to be in the same team again." The Kiwi sighed. "But, with the way things are going, I'm just going to suck it up and not do what I did last year, because I'd rather hurt THEM than YOU."

The Welsh simply let out an animalistic hiss towards Dakota before saying "When War Games comes, none of you better f*** with me, especially you."

With that, Tegan stormed out of the scene as an annoyed Mercedes followed her, asking her to slow and calm down, leaving Dakota and Raquel to ponder about the coming match and their general situation.

(December 2, 2020)

On screen...

The ladder match was underway and it didn't take long for Lorcan, Shelley, and Strong to slug it out all over the ring and ringside for ten minutes, almost forgetting that the objective was the advantage briefcase.

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