Season 2 - Round #3

32 1 7

Looks like you had some fun with the last set of prompts! This time, you are also getting four prompts, which is the same number as we got for this round in the SSFSD 2. All your prompts must be included in some way in Chapter 3. So, without further ado...

List of Prompts

1. Maureen & Jack's radios work great. Someone else thinks so, too. Maureen and Jack get a transmission on their radios from one more party--someone they don't recognize--on their frequency. Who it turns out to be, where they got the equipment and whether they are friend or foe is up to you.

2. "My enemy's enemy is my friend." How do (one or more of) your characters apply this principle?

3. Annalise seems to have been lucky to come out of her ordeal of torture and near death in a pretty admirable state of mind. But far more psychological damage was done than she ever realized, and it comes back to haunt her in a debilitating way. Whether it develops gradually or is triggered, as well as its nature (i.e. signs/symptoms) and prospects of recovery, are up to you.

4. A minimum of four haikus must appear in this chapter. They must be original @AngusEcrivain compositions, and must be real haikus in correct haiku format (3 lines: 1st line = 5 syllables, 2nd line = 7 syllables, 3 line = 5 syllables.)

You have until Sunday, March 22, 2015 at midnight GMT to complete your chapter. Have fun!

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