"good- Just. Don't cause anything."

"You have my word," Loki says with a slight smirk.

"Sure," Dr. Strange says with a roll of his eyes. He takes a deep breath before creating a portal

"After you" Loki rolls his eyes with a smirk stepping through the portal to an abandoned parking lot.

"there is quite literally nothing here." Loki said with his usual snark.

"That you can see currently. I have placed wards and spells to hide the rift from the public eye." Dr. Strange explains and with a wave of his hand the huge tear in space appeared across the ground in front of them. It was as if the ground had been split in two and in between the pieces swirls of red, orange and gold magic flowed like a river. It cast an eerie light to the area around.

"Well then- what are we going to do about it?"

"for now we are going to wait. From what I can tell someone is trying to open a portal to here and it's causing this. And from the looks of it it will be rupturing at any second and whoever is causing this mess will show up" Dr. Strange explains.

"great" Loki mutters leaning against a light post.

"You're the one who wanted to come Loki."

"Well excuse me. I didn't know it would be so boring." Loki scoffed.
The ground shook again and the rift seemed to grow.

"Stay here." Dr. Strange says getting closer to the rift. Casting some sort of barrier spells. Loki just watched for once in his life doing as he was told.
His mind wandering as he watched the sorcerer work. Loki could tell that he at least some what knew what he was doing. His hands were shaky though, meaning he had to compensate with some extra focus. The shakiness obviously had something to do with the sorcerers scars. Both of his hands covered in them, but they were obviously something much more then skin deep.
Loki realized he was staring and looked away. Convincing himself he'd just lost interest and opted to watch the sunset instead.

Loki's focus quickly shifted once again as a beam of light comes down from the sky, much like a shooting star.

"We're trying not to draw attention Captain Danvers" Dr. Strange says with a sigh.

"Hello to you too Stephen" Carol says with a smirk.

"It's Strange. Dr. Strange" Stephen said not amused.

"whatever you say Doctor" she says with a chuckle  "what's he doing here?" She says nodding towards Loki.

"He's with me, I wasn't going to just leave him unattended like everyone else" Dr. Strange says.

"oh, Ha Ha," Loki says sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"So what exactly do we have going on here?" Carol asks. Dr. Strange explains. But Loki wasn't listening anymore, staring at the rift lost in thought. Was using this portal really a good idea? Could he actually get away from his problems? Would it be worth leaving everything behind? what was he leaving behind though? didn't really have anything. Not his own place, no money, no friends. There was Thor: he cared enough to bring him back from the dead. Hours go by as Loki mulls over his plan and weather or not he should actually do it. At one point he absent mindedly glanced at Dr. Strange as he was doing.. something Loki wasn't paying attention. The two of them ended up making eye contact and Dr. Strange smiled slightly before going back to what he was doing. Loki's eyes widened and he looked away. What was that? Did he just smile at him? Why would he do that? Needless to say Loki was now very much confused.

The sun had risen and Dr. Strange was investigating the rift, and Carol was who knows where; a blue and red blur lands near Loki, the same one before. It was none other than Spider-Man.

"Hey there, I'm Spider-Man'' he says with a wave. Loki sighs


"Hey wait a minute-'' Spider-Man mutters. Loki tensed up slightly knowing he was probably going to be recognized from "New York'' again. "you're the guy I almost knocked over in Queens! sorry about that man" Spider-Man says with an awkward laugh. That was not what Loki expected.

"Its.. alright I suppose." He says not exactly sure how to talk to this supposed "Spider-Man'' when he was obviously a child.

"cool, cool, cool Um have you seen a wizard looking guy I'm kind of supposed to be helping him with something." Spider-Man asks.

"He's over there" Loki says, nodding in Dr. Strange's direction.

"thanks mister!" Spider-Man says before running over to Stephen. Loki sighed softly. What was a child doing here putting himself in danger? Before he could figure it out Spider-Man was next to him again.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, Dr. Strange told me to stay by you and out of the way until the others get here" Spider-Man says.

"of course he did" Loki says with a slight glare in Stephen's direction.

"so- What exactly is your thing?" Spider-Man asks.

"my.. thing?" Loki questions.

"Yeah your thing, all the Avengers have a thing. Mr. Stark has the suit and is like a literal genius, Dr. Strange is a wizard." Spider-Man says, gesturing as he spoke. Loki scoffs

"I am not an Avenger." He honestly couldn't understand how this boy didn't know who he was, or why he was talking to him.

"oh- are you a friend of Dr. Strange then?" Spider-Man asks. Loki sighs not realizing he had been staring at Stephen this whole time.

"I wouldn't say that" he mutters.

"I see" Spider-Man says, not understanding at all but pretending like he did.

"what about you? what's Your thing?" Loki asks continuing the conversation out of sheer boredom.

"My thing? Well I'm spider man so I swing around with my webs, and I've got spidey senses so I can like sense danger" Spider-Man explains.

"I see" Loki says, only half paying attention. His mind was else, zoning out as he watched Dr. Strange as he kept an eye on the rift, muttering to himself. Loki had noticed his habit of running his hand through his hair and it was slightly amusing. Just then the ground started to shake again.

A Second Chance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now