Part 4

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Loki lay in his current room asleep, his usually well taken care of raven black hair a bit of a mess as it framed his pale face. Dr. Strange was also asleep but currently was also astral projecting to keep an eye on the other. He looked so different asleep then he did awake. Loki seemed so peaceful and calm. He had never seemed that way while awake, and it made Steven feel sorry for him. It was sad; From what Dr. Strange knew Loki had been doing nothing but fight to get recognition for the longest time and now was only trying to survive. How long had it been since he could actually relax? Years probably. Steven didn't know why, but part of him wanted to help Loki find some sort of peace. He sighed softly stopped astral projecting to get some actual rest.

   Loki woke up in a dimly lit room. At first he didn't know where he was, but soon remembered everything from last night. He had been walking in the streets trying to find somewhere to go, and he was very hungry. But the streets of Queens were not as friendly as he had hoped. He was attacked by three ruffians and being in the weak state he was, he couldn't match up to the three's combined strength. This infuriated Loki, he now could barely feel his entire left side, but he knew it would hurt like nothing else later. He felt helpless, and that was something he really didn't like feeling ever. Loki prided himself on surviving on his own, and currently he couldn't; He had to get help. The real question was why help was being offered to him in the first place. Him and Dr. Strange had never really gotten along before. So why was he putting in so much effort to try and help him now? Loki stared up at the ceiling having too many questions and not near enough answers. It only made his situation feel all the worse, and he honestly didn't think it would get any better. There was soon a knock at the door and Dr. Strange came in.

"Good morning Loki, I have brought you breakfast." he said much more kindly than Loki was expecting. 

"you, brought me.. Breakfast?" he questions as he watches Steven place the tray on the side table. 

"yes. I'm not cruel Loki. Now, I'll leave you be, at least try to eat something will you? You need it and it will make you feel better" Dr. Strange says. Loki gave a weak nod, his jaw tightening and with that Dr. Strange left. Loki wasn't planning on actually eating anything, but he knew that he needed it. So he gave in, sitting up to the best of his ability to see what he was brought. It appeared to be biscuits, with butter or jam to spread on them and some fruit. Loki was surprised to say the least. This was the closest thing he's had to a normal meal in a while, and it was from someone who he previously deemed an enemy. As he ate he again began to question the doctor's generosity. Saving his life, giving him a comfortable bed, and now breakfast. What was Dr. Strange's goal with all of this? Loki couldn't help but be suspicious of whatever it was. After he ate Loki wasn't exactly sure what to do. He knew standing was a bad idea, so he just sat up more. He soon realized the room he was in had book shelves stocked to the brim with books. Loki sighed softly, he had nothing better to do right? Using his magic he brought a book that looked interesting to him and started reading. Little did Loki know, Dr. Strange had astral projected to his room again to make sure he would eat. Steven smiled softly as he saw not only that Loki ate, but he also grabbed a book. Maybe reforming Loki wouldn't be quite as hard as he thought.

   A few hours later Loki woke up again, he didn't realize till this moment that he had fallen asleep while reading. He still felt like shit but he did feel a little bit better. After getting some adequate rest, and some food in his system he felt something close to normal. It was weird though, he Loki couldn't tell if he could actually relax, he didn't even know if he remembered how. He looked over to see that the tray from breakfast had been replaced by a bowl of warm soup, a glass of water, two small white things and a note. Loki rolled his eyes picking up the note, opening it and reading it's contents.

You were asleep when I came in so I left this. I won't be home for a little while so feel free to look through the rest of the library if you feel strong enough to stand. just please do not touch any of the artifacts. There is lunch on your side table if you're hungry along with some medication. For your own safety and so you can properly heal I suggest staying inside the sanctum. Don't do anything stupid.

P.s There is a bath though the second door on the left outside your room. Feel free to use it.

   Loki scoffs reading the note. "don't do anything stupid" Wow could he be any-less annoying? he placed the note down. His mind swirls with doubt about Dr. Strange's generosity once again. He shook his head and decided to push his doubts to the side at least for now. Loki took the medication then tried the soup. It was tomato soup, something he had never had before and he found it surprisingly tasty. Not being able to tell if that was because it was actually good or because he had gone so long without real food. He took a deep breath after eating and decided that a bath wasn't that bad of an idea, if he could stand and walk without falling for long enough to get there and back. Loki swung his legs over the side of the bed managing to sit up with minimal pain. He closed his eyes and stood only wincing slightly. He suddenly felt slightly bad for Thor and stabbing him all those times over the years. Then again, They had magical healers back on Asgard, so it wasn't this bad. He pushed thoughts of his brother aside as he managed to walk out of his room and to the baths. He was relieved to find a bath already made up. Not questioning how it was, assuming it was some sort of enchantment. Loki was just grateful to be able to have a real bath for the first time in.. he didn't actually know. How long had he been dead for? No one had told him so he hadn't an idea. Loki decided to not think about it, last time he thought about his death he passed out and he didn't want that happening again. So he just enjoyed his warm bath and his peace in quiet.

   Loki had got himself rebandaged and clothed. He was strong enough to do simple spells like that which he was all the grateful for. He stepped out of the baths feeling much better than before. Dr. Strange was nowhere in sight so he decided there was no harm in looking around. The library was quite beautiful, the books, the artifacts everything. Something about it was almost comforting to Loki. He came across this round window. It looked similar to a astronomical clock witch fascinated him as he walked too it, disregarding the staircase that lead downstairs for the time being. The view wasn't terrible but, it was nothing compared to the spectacle that was Asgard. While he never said or showed it, Loki did miss home. There was a huge a library back at the palace, That is where Loki had spent most of his time when he wasn't getting in trouble, surrounded by books. Sitting in peace and quiet, he characters in his stories his only company. Loki is snapped out of his thoughts when he hears footsteps behind him.

"My apologies, I did not intend to startle you." Dr. Strange says with a hint of a smirk. 

"you didn't startle me" Loki said indignantly "I was just- distracted." he insists. Dr. Strange chuckles 

"Either way, I'm guessing you're feeling better?" 

"why are you treating me so kindly?" Loki asks ignoring his question. 

"well, you're currently my house guest-" 

"and what if I want to leave?" Loki questions Interrupting him. Stephen sighs 

"If you truly want to leave, I will not stop you."  That wasn't what Loki expected, there had to me more to this. "But, I would advise against it. For if you leave I will not be the one coming to find you" Dr. Strange warns as he summons a small table set and some tea. 

"what's that supposed to mean?" Loki asks now confused and irritated. 

"If you leave and get caught, the avengers, Or more specifically a woman named Carol will take you somewhere far out in space and make you live somewhere else under her rules. Oh and trust me she will not treat you nearly as kindly." Dr. Strange says sipping his tea. Loki glares 

"so you are keeping me here" 

"No, I'm not. I, am giving you a chance" Stephen says. Loki didn't know how to respond. Giving him a chance? "you're brother and I are friends so to speak. He believes you deserve a chance, so I'm trusting him on this" Dr. Strange says. Loki's jaw tightens. 

"..You know what I've done. And You're willing to give me a chance as you say.. Because of my brother?" He asks not fully believing it. 

"exactly" Dr. Strange says, setting his cup down another one appearing on the table along with another chair. "tea?" 

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