Chapter III- encounter

Start from the beginning

But please stop crying, i don't want to see you cry he thought

"Why am I the only one crying?" Ruby chuckled between her sobs

Song Kang stopped from stroking her hair and said "should I cry too?"

"Aish!" Ruby hissed and laugh when Song wince in painbecause she pinch his side.

He smiled seeing Ruby smiling again.

"But seriously, i don't know why i suddenly broke down. I mean i don't feel pain, in fact I just realize that i hate her"
Ruby scoff while wiping her tears using the handkerchief that Song just gave. He puckered, thinking who's that 'her' she was talking about but the guy just crossed his arms and turned his back to Ruby then he glance at the window, where the reporters are still waiting out side.

"because the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. If you hate someone, you still care." He remarked not looking back at Ruby.

Ruby pressed her lips when it sink in to her that Song didn't know anything about her past, she shakes her head and tapped his shoulder "you know what kangaroo, let's go. Tiffany unnie asked me to report everything to her because it'll be in headlines too"

"Oh right i almost forgot. Go change your clothes princess" he mumbled and turned to face her, the woman frowned "Sungjae said you need to be there also" he added.

"What? Why? What's wrong with my clothes?Can't i see them like this?" She asked that made the guy to chuckle and shook his head.

"You're wearing jeans and a loose shirt, Miss Ruby Jane. It will be inappropriate for them if you go down like that." He explained while smiling "and come on, you're the owner so at least wear something you know" he teased and chuckled.

Ruby rolled her eyes and smack his head before she went to change her clothes.


"So they invited us to join them too?! Are you saying that I need to stay here all night!?" Ruby asked shockingly while whispering to Song Kang. He nods and wink at her.

"Did you notice that you're the only one who's wearing plain white tonight?" He asked and chuckled. The girl pouts
"I love white, because it's plain and simple" she said

"it also means innocence and purity. You look stunning by the way" the man complimented then she received her gummy smile.


ll of the visitors has walked to the red carpet, including Lisa and Irene.
They all settled to their seats, Lisa and Irene were seating at the stage in a exquisite chair and the party begin.

All of them are focus and laughing in front, Irene was smiling while Lisa is just staring down to her wedding ring in her finger. She wants to snapped the guy in front of them which is Sungjae the announcer, for talking a lot but since the visitors seems enjoying, she let him.

And to add up that Lisa never asked anything about the party, she just let Irene and the rest do it. She didn't complain.

Finally, the waiters and waitress starts to serve them foods when Sungjae announced them to. Sungjae left the stage and went to greet his boss

"President Ruby Jane!" he greeted a bit loud

As Lisa felt familiar to the name, she lifted her head and scanned the surrounding, but the last thing she saw was Sung Jae leaving the hall. She sighed and shrugged it off.

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