Chapter 67: Tragedy Befalls the World

Start from the beginning

"Go back inside," he repeats. "Go back inside. I'll—"

Suddenly, the squawking immediately ceased. All was quiet. Samwell, Gilly and Joffrey all had a terrible feeling forming in the pit of their guts. Neither of them liked the sound of quiet whilst beyond the Wall. Gilly immediately froze up and held her baby close, her eyes glued in one direction.

Samwell and Joffrey turned their heads in the direction towards the trees where Gilly's gaze remains locked—horrified at what was coming their way. In the darkness, chittering loudly, they spotted a slight movement from behind the trees as more sounds of icy cold chittering and clicking became more apparent. Stepping out from behind cover, a small shine of moonlight offered a full glimpse of the lone intruder: long wispy white hair, glowing blue eyes with pale, gaunt and mummified skin.

"W-W-WHITE WALKER!" Joffrey shouted in fear.

Gilly quivered. "It's come for the baby!"

Samwell turned to see the White Walker approaching, his thoughts turning towards Gilly, her baby... even Joffrey. A wildling girl with a newborn baby in her arms, a brother of the Night's Watch who cannot even defend himself... Samwell felt anxiety and adrenaline flow through him as he dropped the lit torch and tightened his grip on his sword. The fear that filled Samwell was worse than any fear he had ever felt in his life.

It's just like the one I saw at the Fist of the First Men! Mother have mercy, Father protect me... Lifting his sword up, Samwell began shouting. "Stay back! You stay back!"

The White Walker ignored Samwell's demands and continued its approach in order to take Gilly's baby. The undead warrior approached Samwell and calmly grabbed the Night's Watchman's blade in its cold, icy hands. The blade started gleaming with a faint blue glow and emanated a loud noise as if the steel itself was locked in a clash against another before finally freezing and shattering into thousands of pieces.

Now unarmed, Samwell froze as the White Walker backhanded him so hard, he went flying further away.

"Gagh!" Samwell grunted as he fell to the ground hard.

Deciding that Samwell was no longer a threat, the White Walker shifted its attention and returned its gaze towards its prize. The creature's feet made ice-cracking sounds on the crust of the new-fallen snow; like the sound ice makes when it breaks beneath a man's foot. As it grew closer, Joffrey slowly got to his feet and grabbed Gilly forcibly. "Give it here!" he demanded, his voice filled with fear and desperation. "Gimme that brat! Let the monster take it so it'll leave us alone!" he screamed in her face.

Gilly, still holding her infant close to her, resisted and tried to shake Joffrey off as the baby cried louder. "No!" she shouted. "I won't let it take him! Get off of me!"

Samwell rolled onto his side and saw the scene taking place in front of him. The White Walker was getting closer, Joffrey trying to pry the baby from Gilly and Gilly's shouts and screams as the threat drew evermore closer. It was a scene of utter chaos. Still felt by the urge to protect Gilly, Samwell looked around for anything he could use as a weapon but found nothing. It wasn't long until he felt something sharp poking at his waist. My pack! he realized. Reaching into his pack, Samwell pulled out a dragonglass dagger from when his team was digging latrines at the base of the Fist of the First Men before uncovering the caches of dragonglass spear heads as well as other ancient artifacts.

"No! Let go of me!" Gilly continued screaming. "Get away from my baby!"

The White Walker extended its hand, its fingers reaching for the baby as it approached. Fueled by raging levels of adrenaline, Samwell immediately stood up and charged at the undead creature as fast as he legs could carry him.

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