Chapter 2

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3 years later

Angelfish's POV

Angelfish watched her 1 year old brother tumble in the sand. At least he didn't have to worry about his soul.

Angelfish sat on her rock, staring off into the distance. She had never left the island, she had barely learned to fly and swim.

If she could go out, of the island she'd go to the SeaWing Summer Palace. Her mother had told her everything about it.

"Sissy! Join me!" Koi yelled from the beach. She chuckled, and walked over. She was taller than your average three year old dragonet. About 3/4 the size of her mother.

When Koi began rolling around again, she picked him up gently. "Mother! We're going for a swim!" She yelled to her mother, who was in there cave. "Okay!" She yelled back.

Koi quickly grappled onto her neck, tightly and comfortably. She dove into the water. The salty sea water felt great against her scales. 

She found a current that was flowing around the coral reef that surrounded their island. She squinted her eyes to see if she could find other SeaWings. Nothing- wait. She swam out of the current. In the distance.

A green SeaWing. With others following it.

She swam to the green dragon. It wasn't too far. 

As she swam she thought about how long she had been isolated from the tribes. 3 whole years, and she hadn't met a new dragon. It was about time.

She realized how close she was to them and stopped. A green SeaWing that looked like he had a temper swam in front of her. "Hello." He flashed in aquatic. "Hi!" She responded. "Have you seen this dragon?" He asked. He pulled out a waterproof scroll with a drawing of her mother on it.

She pretended to examine it, but she was thinking about what she should do. If I tell him yes, than Mom May or may not get in trouble. If I say no, then she won't. But, if I say yes, then I will see the world.

"I've seen that face before... yes, I know her." She flashed. She saw a flash of excitement in his eyes, then asked, "Bring us to her!". She swam to the island, where her mother was waiting.

She arrived at the island after a small swim, only to be approached by her mad father. "Do you know how long you've been- oh moons." He said as he saw the group of SeaWings behind her and Koi. "Angelfish, what did you bring home?" He whispered.

"Well, they were looking for mom, so I told them I knew where she was." Angelfish recited.  Bluefin backed away to get to her mom, but two guards were cornering him. " Mom?" The green one growled. 

Soon enough, all four of them were being forced to swim to The SeaWing Summer Palace, to meet her moms worst enemy, Angelfish's grandmother.

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