Chapter 60: Siege of Harlaw

Start from the beginning

"Theon is an ironborn. Theon is our enemy. But once we're done here, I'll make sure he never betrays us."

The Lord of the Dreadfort disappointingly shook his head. "I placed far too much trust in you. Choose to act like a wild animal, and you will be treated as one."

Ramsay stiffened, swallowing anxiously. His confidence faded... only to be replaced by something else. Watching his father look away, Ramsay clenched his fists tightly as Galbart Glover rode up to Roose.

"The men have cleared the path to Ten Towers," Galbart reported.

Roose nodded. "And your brother?"

"He's still being held by those damned ironborn. Remember, Lord Bolton, Robett's safety is of paramount importance. For his sake, I'm taking my men in to save him. I'll need your men to provide cover whilst I break him out."

"You will have it. Go."

Galbart kicked the side of his horse and rode down the hill to join the charge as Bolton, Lannister and Glover men-at-arms laid siege to Ten Towers. Beyond the smoke and fires, Roose looked up and observed his surroundings; noticing the Redwyne fleets sailing around into their assigned strategic positions, Roose calmly turned to his bastard son. "You want to prove yourself a Bolton?" he asked.

Ramsay nodded.

"Then send ravens to each of the captains aboard those ships. Tell Kevan Lannister now is the time to begin bombardment. Do this for our family, and I'll reconsider your position."

Ramsay smiled wickedly. Not only was his father giving him a second chance to prove himself, but surely there would be a reward for him as well. As he watched his father move his troops to begin loading the ships with valuable cargo and plunders they've procured from the island of Harlaw, Ramsay moved to two of his trusted lieutenants.

"Get this message to the King's great-uncle," he simply tells them. "Leave no tower left standing, and spare no one."

Harlaw — The Ten Towers...

Galbart Glover fought his way inside Ten Towers, the seat of House Harlaw in the attempt to locate and free his brother Robett from captivity. The battle to make it this far had been bloody as it was costly; whilst besieging the Ten Towers' gates, he lost more than half of his men – more than previously expected. One by one, he slashed and cleaved his way through the halls of the Ten Towers before encountering Lord Rodrik "the Reader" Harlaw, Lord of Harlaw, and the surrounding areas of the archipelago as well as captain of the recently destroyed Sea Song. An average-looking man, Rodrik has brown hair and eyes and a short, neat beard that is grey. Nicknamed "Rodrik the Reader" for his love of reading, uncommon amongst the ironborn – he was prepared for the inevitable outcome surrounding his lands.

"And so it has come to this," Rodrik spoke plainly. "It appears that my niece Yara was right after all. The fate of all ironborn is sealed, history and all. I advised King Balon not to rebel against Robert Baratheon the first time. I advised him not to take up arms against his son as well, but the krakens were always a proud, stubborn bunch."

"Enough!" Galbart roared. "Return my brother Robett, along with his family to me at once!"

"You already seek answers to questions in which you already know the outcome. But fine, both are in the cells of my hall."

"Then get them!"

"I'm afraid I simply cannot do that," he calmly said unsheathing his blade. "As weary as I am of this foolish rebellion, I fear I must perform my duty as an ironborn. Prepare yourself, mainlander."

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