Chapter 12

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With the death of the star plasma vessel, the rise of the honoured one and a secret shared amongst three, June arrives with the vengeance of a thousand souls trapped in the fiery pits of hell. Standing under the courtyard building where a corridor of vending machines lie and one long wooden bench that currently has the occupancy of an eleventh-grade commercial model wishing for stardom.

Rolling your eyes as Gojo proceeds to kick his feet into the air like he's a girl reading a magazine about the ten ways your crush likes you back. Sharing a look with Geto unable to fathom how he's able to wear his long sleeve shirt without feeling somewhat uncomfortable. His forearms are exposed, but the sweat gathering at his brow and the greasy sheen in his long hair makes you realise that no one is safe from this oppressive heat.

"So, wait, we're willingly subjecting ourselves to this event to prove what exactly?" Flapping your collar open in hopes that the generated breeze can lessen the overwhelming stench collectively being shared between you three.

"To prove that we're the best, of course." Gojo flips to his back, offering the both of you a smile.

Such a poser.

"The Goodwill event is an opportunity to match ourselves against the Kyoto students, and the outcome isn't just about who's individually the strongest-"

"That's me." Gojo interjects as Geto continues.

"But which school comes out on top." Geto sighs before glancing at you as he crosses his arms over his chest.

Relieving, a sigh before turning your unimpressed gaze back to the idiot before you.

"Will you shut up; nobody wants to hear that from you." The bliss that comes from karate chopping Gojo's side is immensely satisfying.

"It's also a battle of survival." The sack of useless jokes and an ego bigger than the moon grunts doubling over.

Rolling your eyes again at the dramatics displayed, he could be an actor in the opera.

"That sounds... fun." The lick of sarcasm drips from your tone as the scorching rays begin to brand your shirt to your back.

Normally, hot days like today would've been spent lounging on a veranda somewhere or chilling by the coast, not waiting on Shoko to retrieve the first years. During this, you decide to pass the time away by whistling a somewhat musical tune, but you didn't expect Gojo and Geto to join in on the chorus.

Geto starts swaying his shoulders like he's a rapper about to unleash some killer lyrics as he brings his fist up to his lips and begins to beatbox. Gojo slides up into a sitting position, ruffles his hair and then starts to belt a clash of Automatic by Hikaru Utada and B-Boyism by Rhymester. Honestly, it's not the worse way to pass the time, especially when halfway through you notice Shoko flicking her lighter and the two first year boys coming up behind her.

Nanami, like always, looks like he wants to end Gojo's existence and Haibara leaps forwards and begins busting out some moves.

"Can we get on with the day?" Nanami declares deciding that today is the day to be a spoilsport.

Luckily, the nutjob teacher decided to cut short the rest of the lessons and any missions for that matter and allowed everyone the rest of the day off. With that being said, practice doesn't wait for no man, and Gojo happens to be needing some hardcore reality being pummelled back into him. Just because he's strong doesn't mean he's exempt from strengthening the body as well.

Just like that you find yourself stripped down to your sportswear and thrown into a dojo with him, Geto funnily enough opted out from the sparring session despite his inclinations towards the practice. It's too hot to even move, so you don't blame his desires to waste the rest of his day by himself.

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