Stray Cat Blues

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                       "There'll be a feast if you just come upstairs"                         

Leather sticking to the back of my thighs, a calming cigarette between my lips. The sunset above Sunset Strip, fitting, was on fire. Yellow, tangerine and magenta melting into each other, making an exquisite palette. The little sundress I slipped into in a rush stuck to my limbs, a second skin. Red cotton covered in white little flowers, stretching over the swell of my breasts. I was alone in the back of the limo. The band and their company had already left when Mr. Cole came looking for me. We spoke for a minute, the conversation put to an end with the promise of a car being sent for me after my shift and a filthy wink of his eye. He seemed like a very efficient man, respected. Although, he reminded me of the boys at school, hungry eyes, undressing, with a foul mouth. I clutched my small bag as the Strip flashed before my eyes. Clothed backs who all looked the same. I desperately tried to put my long hair in an updo; a brunette Bardot on her way to her closeup. I gave up halfway through. Letting the hair fall back, streaming over my shoulders, grazing the soft area of my upper belly. I felt ratty.

Mr Cole picked me up outside the lavish hotel. The Continental Hyatt House. Beside him in the elevator, I couldn't seem to keep my mouth shut. Asking him about things that didn't interest me. I didn't bother to listen to his answers; picking at a chip I discovered sticking out of the wooden wall instead. Like an anxious child. He had a big mouth.

The doors opened and a long corridor appeared behind the auburn wood. Maze-like, carpeted in burgundy. The story of Theseus and the Minotaur came to my mind. The story mummy always told years ago, warm milk, kisses on the forehead, baby blue. Alas, in this version, without Ariadne by my side, no ball of thread to lead me back. I wouldn't mind getting lost here. A stray cat, prowling around. Dirty paws.

Mr. Cole babbled about the party going on as we wandered down the hall. About how mad these gatherings were if one was lucky, anecdotes and names foreign to me. The entire floor smelt funny. Pot and yearning. There seemed to be people everywhere. The shy, powdered lamplight trickled down on strands of hair, suede jackets and wet mouths. A few steps ahead, Mr Cole stopped and beckoned me further with his hand.

The room was as packed as the hall. My tall companion pushed himself through the crowd, like God splitting the Red Sea, as I waddled close behind.

"Your delivery, Percy", he stated as we stopped, his voice laced with complacency. The assembly laughed. You sat with legs spread wide on the leather, covered in tight jeans and pride. You must've been a prince in a past life. Mr Cole disappeared and there I stood, bare. The others were already busy with their banter and drinks.

"Well, hello there" The corner of your mouth stretched as your lips spread in a lop-sided smirk. I stepped forward and you wrapped your fingers around my wrist, as they were wrapped around the glass bottle earlier. My hand brought to your mouth with a swift movement, you kissed my knuckles. A soft smack left your mouth as your lips pulled away. The act made my insides fuzzy, cotton candy on the pier.


"Robert", I mimiced your hum.

"Fancy seeing you here"

"You invited me"

"I did", your marble glossed eyes lowered to the empty seat on your side, hand spread on the glazed leather. "Sit with me" 

I flopped down next to you, leaning back as I took the room in. Lovers occupied the enormous bed covered in white linen, as they mumbled sweet nothings into tender ears. Girls dressed up in hot pants and feathers, dancing and giggling.

"A drink, perhaps?" you offered and I turned to face you. Your eyes hadn't moved from me. I nodded and proceeded to stand up but your hand, suddenly on my sternum, pushed me back with a gentle nudge.

"Nonsense. You've been waiting tables all night, let me", you muttered, rising sleekly from the surface. As your floral-clothed back disappeared I let out a sigh of contentment. This realm was peach fuzz and gold. All the beautiful people in one room. The girl with sandre locks and red lips, eyeing the tall man with stormy eyes and choppy hair. I wanted to paint it all, with colors as vivid as those surrounding them. A booming voice brought me back from my thoughts.

"Ah, what's this now? The little waitress bird?" 

I looked up at a massive man with brown hair and chocolate eyes. He reminded me of a bear, the mustache and sideburns amplifying the similarity. His face tapered a tad towards the chin. It looked nice on him.

"That's me, I believe", I smiled.

"Richard came back for you, didn't he?", the man chuckled, fidgeting with an unlit cigarette between his fingers. Although his size and booming voice made him a little threatening, he seemed gentle in his own way. I nodded. He snorted, shaking his head, the smile still present on his lips.

"Got a name? And a light", He sat down beside me, the couch sinking with his weight. I roamed through my purse. Lipstick, a stick of chewing gum, a pen. My fingers grazed the smooth surface of my zippo and I grabbed it. I lit the stick pursed between his lips, the faint smell of gasoline appearing as the light flickered.

"It's Bonnie, by the way", I muttered, toying with the cap of the silver lighter.

"Alright, love. I'm John" . He smoked like a construction worker. Quick, hard puffs, cigarette pressed between a large index finger and thumb.

"Say, where are you from? You're no yank, that's for sure", he teased, raising his bushy brows.

"Bollocks, my covers blown", I cursed playfully. John's laugh was as grand as his voice. "I grew up in Kidderminster, Worcester if you know. What about you?"

His brown eyes glittered like chatoyancy at the mention.

"If I know? That's my bloody hometown!", he shouted, all riled up and giddy. I felt my eyes widen with surprise at his words. We reminisced about the little life in our beloved small town. The sunday market, the calm rhythm and the kind old ladies.

"Strange we never met before. Percy's from there too, you know", John pondered, scratching his temple. I bit my lip, eyes on my milky thighs.

"How come you all call him Percy?"

"Oh, dear. That's a story for another time" I opened my mouth to answer but the words stuck to my tongue like syrup when I saw you prancing towards us. Your movements, smooth and slick like a panther. A champagne flute in each hand, filled to the brim with the fizzling liquid.

"Already making friends I see", you handed me one of the flutes.

"She's from Kidderminster, Percy. That's mad, innit?" John babbled as he put out his cigarette. You kept your eyes on me, sipping the champagne.

"Mad", you hummed, echoing him. The heat on my cheeks creeped back and I brought the glass to my lips, taking a big, greedy gulp.

"What's with the blushing, eh?", John snickered, poking my side with his elbow. You cleared your throat.

"That's my seat, mate. Now sod off"

"Well, hope to see you around, Bonnie", he muttered as he rose up. "Enjoy"

With that, he left me with you, your resting eyes and lopsided smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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