>> Chapter 1

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There are many things in life that we come to regret. We regret saying things like "goodbye" and in some cases, not saying it at all. We regret never speaking up and never saying what we really mean. And for some of us, there are smaller regrets; such as not eating breakfast, or not changing your clothes before going to bed.

For me, it was standing on top of a 18 story building, preparing to plummet to my death.

It was a cold night; the only noise penetrating the silence was the faint, constant sound of trucks on the highway below me. If this was two years ago; I would never be in this situation. I'd probably be sitting in the back of a 1989 chevrolet pickup with my parents, drinking lukewarm water and curling up amongst hessian blankets. I was content then. 

But it wasn't two years ago, it was today. There was nothing anyone could do that would change what was about to happen. I was ready to end this life, to move on to whatever was awaiting me in the next. Even if that was eternal nothingness; it was better than staying here.

I took one last look at the view below me; trucks and cars zooming past on the highway, completely clueless as to what was happening above them. I sucked in my breath, preparing myself for the fall. the fall that would end my life and bring me to the next. The fall that would erase everything I've ever know. The fall that would wipe me off the face of this earth forever.

But it never came. Instead, a bright white flashed across my vision, and darkness eloped me.

* * *

My eyes flutter open, adjusting themselves to the bright light of the morning sun. I was laying on my back, looking up at the clouds. They looked like thin wisps across the sky and I couldn't help but admire them; had I been here before?

"Where am I?!"

I yelpt, sitting up and taking in my surroundings. I was laying in the middle of a cobble pathway, gigantic stone walls on either side of me. On the walls were hundreds and hundreds of paintings.

I stood up, walking towards one of the paintings and admiring the messiness of it. Paint was splattered in a variety of bright different colours and If you look close enough, you can see the shape of a small face. It looked almost like...me. It was only then did I realise where I was. This was the outdoor museum I was in yesterday; just before I attempted to kill myself.

"Hello there"

A voice says from behind me, causing me to jump in shock.

I turn around to a tall man wearing a suit. His brown, gelled hair is slicked back and his face is shaven. He looks like a business man; with his neat tie and black, pointy shoes. But why was he here? Why was I here?

The man steps towards me, a small smile planted on his lips.

"Iris?" He questions, looking at me directly in the eyes. How did he know my name?

"Do I know you?... what is this?" I ask nervously, walking back a few steps so that he doesn't get too close to me. This whole ordeal was creeping me out. All I wanted was to jump off that building and be gone forever; but I don't even remember jumping.

"I know you're confused, but don't worry. I'll explain everything" He answers, grinning.

I look down, twiddling my thumbs nervously, unsure of what to think of him. In my previous life; I was told that I should never trust strange men that talked to me on the street. Why should this be any different?"

"Who are you?" I ask for the second time, a little calmer. The worst thing I could do now is freak out; it's a sign of weakness.

The tall man steps forward once again, placing his hand on his chest as he speaks. "My name is Keller, and I've been looking for you."

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