Asahi stared blankly at the doctor. He couldn't process the words. What accident? This was probably something Akira did not input into his memory. Danny and Kyle glanced at each other worriedly, turning to Asahi.

"Hey, you're her boyfriend aren't you? What accident was this?" Danny demanded, grabbing Asahi's arm.

"Yes. I don't know." Asahi's tone was flat, as if disinterested.

Kyle scoffed in disbelief. "What kind of boyfriend are you to not know about such a major thing?!"

"Me." Asahi raised his hand proudly, only to be smacked on the head by Danny.

"How could there be absolutely nothing? There must be someone who would know about this." Danny rubbed his chin, thinking hard.

As they thanked the doctor and headed out of the ward to let Yuna continue resting, Asahi's eyes started twitching as he stopped in his tracks. Kyle stared at him in concern.

"Are you okay?"

"Battery... Flat...!"

Before they knew it, Asahi's eyes closed and the humanoid remained still, not moving an inch but was still standing. Danny and Kyle stared at each other, dumbfounded.

"Uh... Dude? Wake up!" Danny shook Asahi but nothing happened. "What the fuck is going on...?"

"Hyung...? You might wanna take a look at this..."


As Jaehyuk took the bag of chicken from the delivery man and handed him the money, Jihoon and Doyoung helped to set up the dining table.

"You know, Hyung, I'm surprised to see how well you're coping with everything." Doyoung remarked to Jaehyuk as he placed the utensils down.

Jaehyuk smiled sadly. "Well, I try. I just hope that whoever killed my parents will be caught soon."

"You're so strong!" Jihoon praised. "I'm sure that they'll bring them to justice." 

"Dinner's ready!" Doyoung called to the maknaes, who were gaming on their phones. He then turned to his brother, who was heading into the rooms. Doyoung frowned, after coming back from that trip, he had never seen his brother eat before.

Junghwan rushed to the table and squealed in excitement at the pizzas and fried chicken before him. Jeongwoo joined him as well, and the group began tucking in.

"Junkyu, are you not eating?" Jihoon asked. "I don't think I've ever seen you eat anything this whole time!"

Everyone was expecting awkward silence but this time, Junkyu responded. He turned around and walked towards them. Doyoung gulped as he held his breath.

"No, but I'm taking all of you with me." He snarled.

Before they knew it, chaos filled the room.


Kyle lifted the back of Asahi's shirt up, pointing at something. Danny peered closer, highly puzzled.

"Bro, is Asahi... is he some sort of alien? Why does he have that?! It looks like some circuit thingy!" Danny exclaimed, his lips trembling.

"I don't know, but it's weird and I'm going to ask Yuna." Kyle declared and walked back to the ward. Opening the door, he saw Yuna sitting up. "Yuna, you're awake!"

Yuna nodded her head. She felt a little drowsy from the medication. As Kyle turned around, she spotted Hyunsuk pulling Asahi inside. Her eyes widened when she realized that his eyes were closed, indicating that his battery was dead.

"O-oh!" She covered her mouth, realizing that they must have found out about the robot.

"Care to explain what the hell is going on?" Danny questioned. "Is your boyfriend from some realm that we don't know about?"

It looks like Yuna had no other choice now that Danny and Kyle had already seen the obvious.

"Okay, the truth is, Asahi isn't human. He's a humanoid that my father built for me." She explained calmly.

Jaws dropping, Danny and Kyle turned to each other. They were speechless. Yuna was worried that this would happen one day, but she believed that Danny and Kyle were trustworthy people.

"Wait, so he's not your...?" Kyle didn't say 'boyfriend' out loud, but Yuna understood and she shook her head. How could Asahi be anything else to her? He wasn't a person. Asahi was just merely the last invention made by Akira, to be her friend. But why did she feel this sense of longing, a desire to be with Asahi?

If only she knew, Asahi's feelings were becoming real. He was beginning to sense things the software could not enable him to. But there was also a darker side to this robot, and if fallen into the wrong hands, everything could go wrong.


Standing at the entrance of the door was Jaehyuk, who had scars on his face. He was gasping, his face completely drenched with his own sweat.

"Jaehyuk?!" She got out of the bed and walked towards him.

Danny and Kyle watched as Jaehyuk fell into Yuna's embrace.

"Junkyu... It's Junkyu... He took them all!" He cried out loud in despair. "I-I'm... I'm all alone now..."

How could it be... Kim Junkyu?! 

To Be Continued...

where are you kayinthehouse_ 😭 i miss your comments ):

also exams start tomorrow... fml.

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