Quite to say, it somehow worked as the speechless woman's agape mouth said it all about how shocked she was.

No way in hell was Mijin one of Jay's toys as Seulrin could see through it. If Mijin truly was his puppet, she wouldn't dare to have the audacity to argue back with Jay's first love like Bae Seulrin who controlled him in the past like a victim of love, who fooled him with her faked romance and trapping him inside a confusing love maze which shouldn't have existed in the first place.

❝ Of course, it's you and always you. ❞

But Seulrin's highly impressed self got dragged down for this once as Jongseong could strongly prove that he had moved on from her already with no doubt.

Mijin had agreed to plan all of this together with Jongseong in the first place as it'd end up satisfying to give Seulrin a taste of her own medicine.

Being so bad was indeed thrilling.

Coming to know the knowledge of Jongseong living completely fine without being with Seulrin would shock and turn her down the most and Mijin could foresee it thoroughly.

❝ Heard that Bae Seulrin? You're expired. ❞ Displaying a sly smirk on her face, the cursed girl used her benefits for a little bit as the said whore felt her breathing system stopped working at the heated moment when Mijin smirked at her.

Checkmate, she's defeated.

But it was enough that moment when the said girl started suffocating herself internally with the horrific vision of Mijin's smile which was haunting her inside.

Twirling an arm around one of Jongseong's masculine arms, Mijin clinging onto the chaotic boy before leaving the speechless slut all behind as her huge expectations got snatched down into the ground.

It did work.

Park Jongseong indeed felt happier and lighter than the person who he's been pretending up to this day.

The way he acts to be flirty with several girls were just a purpose to neglect the pain buried inside his heart but now...., it's all dead and gone.

Jay felt relieved as if he'd regained his pure soul from before meeting with that wrong and demonic woman Bae Seulrin.

The tables have turned, all thanks to Na Mijin.

She really had the power to take down a naughty bad boy like him for once with her mocking attitude which barely spared him a damn without salt.

Getting a bit far from Seulrin when they got near Jongseong's car at the parking lot, Mijin made sure of the surroundings that no one was following them until bursting out into a peal of loud and chaotic laughter.

❝ WE FREAKING DID IT!!!!! ❞ Cheering in victory, the energetic small bean hopped out of pure joy before collapsing her palms repeatedly with Jay's as they clapped for several times.

Her eyes maintained on the adoring boy as his eyes got blessed by her beautiful smile which was a scary weapon to others. It made him feel her pure innocence as he wanted to stay by her side forever and be there for her in the scariest and nerve-racking times of life.

How sad for a beautiful soul to captivate a merciless curse like this?

❝ ABSOLUTELY! ❞ Bringing the loud and funny side of his resentment, anger, shame-stored self, the boy managed to put on a wide grin before accepting Mijin into his arms and she ran into a hug out of excitement.

So this was what vengeance felt like.

Oh lord, how long has it been since Mijin last felt the sensation of happiness lurking around her foul soul and mind?

Jongseong spun her light body in his arms for a flickering moment as Mijin squealed in utter shock for a while.

But her smile won't last long unless Jay's by her side.

❝ S-Sorry, I-I just got too excited...❞ Mijin apologised while clearing her throat as she sounded like weird kiddo who's excited over nothing serious at all.

❝ Nah, I'm more than glad that our plan worked too. ❞ Jongseong asked a fist bump from Mijin as he felt his ticklish heart beating so rapidly. Smiling suits the beauty as he just wanted to pray to the fallen stars that they'd grant her to stop hurting people with a callous curse.

❝ As it should. ❞ Mijin was delighted now that she helped someone....the only person which her curse won't affect and the person to bring back her long time no seen laughter back.

❝ Thank you Mijin-ah. ❞ The said girl felt goosebumps on her skin as she'd never expected to hear a genuine thank you from the bossy richass who's very impulsive.

❝ For what? You're kinda scaring me. ❞ Mijin's lips parted apart for a while as she giggled slightly while she still could cause the handsome young man's trying to make her blush with his appealing visuals.

❝ Literally for everything, and bringing the old me back. ❞ It's been years since Jongseong last felt sincere joy in life when everything's fake and he's trying to censor that all of the things are okay when he's just pretending to stay fine.

Jay refused to believe that true love still exists in life after the heartbreak which he'd received at first.

But now, his hopes have arisen as he wanted to fetch for his destined true love in this complicated world. Who knows? Maybe the sassy Na Mijin who's standing a few feet away from him could also become the true love of his life.

❝ If you owe me your gratitude, just keep your promise that you'll stop messing with people's hearts. ❞ That's all that Mijin wanted to ask for as she could never imagine getting extra benefits after helping him seek revenge or whatsoever.

Her wish for their contract to come to an end didn't change a bit at all.

Jongseong nodded like an obedient puppy before thoughtfully opening his car door for Mijin.

❝ I need to take you somewhere else first, m'lady. ❞

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