Chapter 3

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“Death is a destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it.”

The warm water slides down my body as I wash myself clean. I hate taking showers the night after a kill, it feels like I am washing away the memories. But deep down I know, these are the moments I’ll never forget.

I slip out of my trance, hearing a commotion outside. I hop out of the shower, grab one of the fluffy towels Gerald insists on keeping in the bathroom because it’s “gentler on the skin” and  quickly dry myself off. I change into my favourite shirt, the burgundy Bronx one, and throw on a black hoodie overtop with some black jeans. I should really buy some more shirts I think to myself. Nah, five is just enough.  I open the bathroom door and walk out into the living area. There is one cop there, I recognize him from TV earlier, Marcus something. Fucking cops, why can’t they just mind their own damn business. I walk over and introduce myself, this is all about keeping up appearances.

“Hey, I’m Steven, how can I help you?” I ask politely, fighting the urge to roll my eyes.

“Hi Steven, Hoodie Allen right? We wanted to talk to you about a case we are currently investigating. Last night, a young girl by the name of Lola Rodriguez attended your concert at the Warfield. This morning she was found dead in the alley behind the venue. We’re trying to piece together her last 24 hours to get a better idea of who could be responsible for this. Do you mind if we talk to you and you crew, each separately, for a few minutes?” he asks.

“Yeah sure, let me go find True - uh - Michael.” I walk off, reaching the Starbucks just around the corner quickly. “Dude,” I yell towards True, who’s about to walk inside. “Your coffee is gonna have to wait, we have a situation!” He gives me an uneasy look and walks towards me. We hurry back to the tour bus, True assuring me he’s got my back and that I was with him all night last night.

We walk in as Jimmy finishes explaining his version of last night. “Listen officer, I was completely drunk last night, I went with a few girls on their party bus they rented last night and didn’t get back until about 5am. I promise you they were at least 18. I can’t really help you. But Hoodie doesn’t party, he always comes straight back to the bus and rests after a show. He’s not really the drinking or partying type. I think Michael was here last night though, he would probably be more help than I am,” Jimmy says, and shrugs apologetically.

The officer thanks him and turns to True and me. He gestures for True to sit down, and I wander off to my bunk. It’s not that I’m nervous, I just hope that no one fucks this up for me. The officer must have talked to Nick and Nicky C before they talked to Jimmy, because I hear them chatting at the front of the bus about how crazy this all is. They were asleep all night, so they were probably about as helpful as Jimmy was. True is the only one who knows, and I’ve gotten him to help me out a few times when choosing my victims. It’s not that he enjoys it, unlike me, he just knows that I need to do it to release tension. True taps me on the shoulder, snapping me out of my reverie. “Your turn dude, you were here sleeping all night okay,” he says, providing me with my alibi.

I stand up and stretch my legs, then walk over to the couch and sit down. Marcus turns to me and begins questioning me.

“Alright, so if you could just walk me through your night last night so I can get a better idea of the timeline of events,” he says to me. “Yeah, no problem,” I reply in a calm, collected tone of voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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