What is Slang?

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Now we see👀
From the previous story "The Girl" a  number of strange word or phrase are found, including:

• Bummed = disappointed
• Gobsmacked = amazed
• Bomb = very expensive
• Wanker = people don't know ethics
• Hootie = beautiful person
• Snap out of it = be aware
• Manky = disgusting

So, what are they called?🧐
They are called, SLANG✨

❓❓What is Slang ❓❓

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Often times when we watch movies, read fiction stories or see vlogs of English speaking people, we come across a word that is foreign but looks cool when spoken.

🔍 What word is that? 🔍
Yes, the word is Slang✨
Slang, is American and British slang which sometimes tends to be rude, not formal, vulgar, humorous, loud and even a little dirty. You could say Slang is the language of young people. Linguists do not have a simple and clear definition of slang, but agree that it is a constantly changing linguistic phenomenon that exists in every subculture around the world.

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History of Slang✨
The term slang has appeared since hundreds of years ago, to be precise in the 18th century. At that time, the world was experiencing rapid progress due to the resolution of Industry I. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the glory of this time. The economic gap deepened, so that the honorable class (aristocrats) and the lower class (commoners) were born. Initially, slang was the language used by the lowly to show their existence. That is the reason slang is often seen as a language that is not "classy". However, as time went on, people preferred to use slang in their daily life. The reason is that slang sounds more eracaching and easy to use. Here are some examples of how to use slang:
Look at those *old fogeys* on the bench! It's all gone *pear-shaped*. (wrong, not as we expected)

🔎The words old fogeys and pear-shaped from the above sentence are slang words.

So, You know something interesting, don't you?🌝

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See you, Lovers❣️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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