They Don't Know About Us: Second-Year Final Part

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Chapter 32: Finale

Today's the day. The train ride back home for the students for the Summer Holidays. Princess Phoenix wakes up extra early so she can make sure she got everything ready for the Holiday. "How do I look, Leith?" she asked her faithful companion, showing him the outfit on her body.

It's a high-neck emerald green sleeveless top with wide-leg black pants and a black and green cover-up. She has sandals on her feet. The princess's headpiece is on her head, mixed with her two-toned hair.

Leith lets out a joyful sound, telling her that he likes it.

"Ready to go home?" she asked her flying lizard with a smile as he climbed on her body onto top of her head. Leith squeals again. "I'm glad, Leith, but we need to meet with Uncle Severus first."

The secret princess and her faithful companion heads towards the Potions Classroom. Familiar smells of potions brewing catch their attention at each step closer. A knock gently hits the door as she waits with a smile on her face.

"Enter," the familiar voice of her uncle figure is heard on the other side of the door.

Princess Phoenix opens the door, and Leith flies in excitedly.

Professor Snape lifts his head towards the student and the flying lizard from his desk. "Your highness," he's surprised to see his favorite female student. "And Leith," he greets the creature when he crawls on his desk, away from the paperwork. "Behaved as usual," the professor commented and petted the top of his head.

"Leith always knows that he shouldn't get on the paperwork on your desk if you're working on something," Princess Phoenix smiles, looking at her flying lizard while walking over towards the desk. "We came to say goodbye for now and that we will meet you next year, Uncle Severus," she mentions, still smiling.

"Well, I, may or may not, come over for a few days during the Summer Holidays," he smirks softly at the young princess.

"Uncle Severus, you're coming over some time?" Princess Phoenix asked, surprised and happy to hear that.

"I have considered it for a while now, and I believe it is good for me to see a familiar face," Professor Snape smiles a little more. "I'll owl you a letter of when my arrival will be."

"I can't wait, Uncle Severus!" her smile grows more and more.

"Now go, Phoenix and Leith, the train will be leaving soon," Professor Snape tells them, smiling as well.

Princess Phoenix and Leith bow in respect to the professor before heading out.

Draco waits for his female best friend at the train station with his male best friends, knowing that she needs to see their professor before meeting with the guys. The guys are making small talk before hearing some giggles from girls, one of which is Princess Phoenix. They turn to see her with two girls in their first year of Hogwarts.

"Hey, Emberson!" Draco is calling Princess Phoenix over.

"Greetings, gentlemen," she greets them with a smile. "I would like to meet Luna Lovegood from Ravenclaw and Ginevra Weasley from Gryffindor. They both are purebloods. Ladies, they are Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, and Vincent Crabbe from Slytherin."

"It's very nice to meet you all," Luna greets the gentlemen with a soft smile.

"Same here," Ginny greets shyly, hiding behind Princess Phoenix.

"Pleasure," Malfoy greets kind of cold but bows like a gentleman to the girls, which his friends follow suit.

"I know it's something we aren't used to, but I hope eventually we can be friends-ish," the Slytherin girl smirks, making Luna smile at her mentor.

"Well, you both are pureblood, so it's a start," Crabbe mentions, a little unsure of his leader's response.

"Agreed," Draco nods his head.

"I better be going," Ginny speaks up, having Princess Phoenix turn her head at her. "My brothers must be looking for me."

"Okay, Ginevra, I'll owl you later," the Slytherin girl smiles, allowing her to leave. She knows that the little Weasley needs more time to adjust with the Slytherin gentlemen. "Do you want to sit next to us, Luna?" she asked the Ravenclaw.

"I would love to, Phoenix, but the cupboards are small, and I don't want to interfere with you and your boys," she kindly declines.

"Boys?" Draco mumbles under his breath, confused.

"If you say so, Luna, I'll owl you as well soon," Princess Phoenix smiles and hugs her long-haired blond friend. She then turns towards the Slytherin gentlemen once Lovegood left. The looks on their faces didn't please her or Leith. "What?" the Slytherin girl asked with her eyebrows frowned into a slight glare. "I can't have female friends?"

"They're blood-traitors," Goyle said first.

"We shouldn't be associated with them," Crabbe adds in.

Now, Draco's ears begin to feel warm by how angry he is getting.

"At least they're pureblood," Princess Phoenix glares more as Leith begins to hiss. "Were you expecting Granger instead?" she questions them before turning sharply.

"Wait, Phoenix!" Malfoy calls for her again, extending his hand out at her. He sees her get on the train without them. That makes him mad at his sidekicks. "Go and apologize, the lady, right now!" Draco roughly grabs them by the ears and drags them onto the train.

Princess Phoenix and Leith slam the door, trapping them in an empty compartment. She sits down on the seat with her legs crossed to one side on the seat as she leans back in the corner next to the window.

"I know they tolerate half-bloods, muggle-borns, and muggles more than I do, but I see good in them that I want in my life," the young princess huffs while crossing her arms across her chest.

Leith hums and crawls on her leg. He looks at his motherly figure sadly, just hating to see her upset.

She sighs before smiling at her flying lizard. "I'm okay, Leith. Mummy needs to learn to control her emotions sometimes."

A knock is heard from the closed door. "Emberson, it's me," Draco's voice is heard. "Crabbe and Goyle have something they would like to tell you," he says, opening the door and pushing the two inside.

Princess Phoenix watches the two gentlemen on their knees in front of her and Leith with their heads bowed.

"We're so sorry, Emberson," they both say at the same time.

"You are allowed to have friends outside of us," Crabbe adds.

"We were just a little jealous that we want to be your best friends," Goyle joins.

"I understand where you two are getting at," she speaks once she figures out what's going on. "I love being your female best friend, but for me, I love having other females in my life other than my mum. That's why I have Luna and Ginevra as my female best friends. Do you two forgive me?" Princess Phoenix asked softly, looking down at them.

Their heads raised in surprise at the question so did Draco's head.

"Of course, we do!" they both say at the same time.

"Good," she smirks. "Well, gentlemen, it's a long ride towards home," her smirk turns into a smile.

Draco smirks a little while shaking his head at the young princess.

To Be Continued......

They Don't Know About Us: Second YearWhere stories live. Discover now