1 • the preparation

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It was 6 Am on a beautiful Saturday morning and there was a girl named Y/n who was just slowly opening her eyes, after you fully opened your eyes you grabbed your phone that was next to you on the charger you pull your phone off of the charger and look at the time and you realize you have a busy day today being that the annual Christmas party was tomorrow night and as you where the assistant you had to plan everything and get all the decorations and to be honest you hated your job but you where being payed good, you never really liked being told what to do, but you kept doing your job since you enjoyed seeing your boyfriend Harry everyday at work, but there's one thing you've noticed since you moved to Los Angeles to be closer to him is that since you moved closer to him he's been super distant with you, and not talking to you as much as he did when you where living in New York.

You push Harry to the back of your head and get up to get ready for the day since you had to go pick up your dress for the party tomorrow that you had to pick up by 8, you get up and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower so you can get the dress out of the way and then get onto worrying about buying decorations since Mr. Takagi has given you his card to buy all the decorations, you finally hop in the shower, and after a couple minutes you finally hop out and change into some shorts and a crop top t-shirt and your Nike air forces. ~ Picture of what your wearing ~

   After throwing on some clothes you throw your hair into a messy bun and leave your apartment and head to your car and drive to the store where you ordered your dress which Mr

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After throwing on some clothes you throw your hair into a messy bun and leave your apartment and head to your car and drive to the store where you ordered your dress which Mr. Takagi was so kind to buy for you, you arrive at the store and pick up your dress excited to see how it looks tomorrow, you put your dress in the trunk trying not to crinkle it, then you decide to head to your boyfriend Harry's house and surprise him with some food knowing he's been working hard to get promoted but yet hasn't, you pull up to his apartment and as you walk closer to his door you can hear music playing from inside his apartment you grab the key he gave you for his apartment and opened the door and as you walk in you look around but don't see anyone you get closer to his door and as you open the door you drop the food when you saw who Harry was next to in bed "Shit!, Y/n what are you doing here?" Harry says pulling the covers more over him and the mysterious girl next to him that you recognized worked with you "Her?! Seriously Harry?" you say anger lacing your voice "Oh come on Y/n you knew it was coming" the girl named Nikki says then and there you could have dragged her ass out the door and down the stairs but you held your anger back and just left, as you started walking down the hall you could hear Harry chasing after you calling your name but you just ignore him not even looking back until you see him run in front of you grabbing your shoulder with pleading eyes but you couldn't hold your anger back and punched him in the face then leaving him with a bloody nose walking off back to your car angrily.

You get home after driving home angrier than you have ever been then realizing you now needed a new date to the party but that was your least concern you still had to get the rest of decorations, you had already ordered half of them having to pick them up tomorrow. so you spent the rest of your day sitting home watching movies, after hours of ordering decorations, and watching movies you where all tired out and decided to head to bed waiting for the eventful day that is to come tomorrow.

*Sorry it's a bit short but I tried to make it quick so I can leave the good stuff for the next part! Thank you so much for 14k on Tik Tok I love you all so much! and I hope your enjoying this story so far part 2 will be up by tmrw :)*

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