Chapter Seven

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"Hey mum, I'm staying at Christians for a few nights, okay?" I asked as I threw my stuff into a small bag.

"Okay hun, just make sure you come home again" she yelled down the hall.

"Thanks mum" I smiled and zipped up my bag.

"Come on chooken" I grabbed Christians hand and pulled him out the room. Being the gentleman he is, he insisted on carrying my bag for me. He skated while I walked back to his house. His mum was still out so we headed up to his room and I emptied my bag into his drawers. we decided on an early night and I fell asleep in Christians arms listening to his heartbeat with the rise and fall of his chest.

Days passed and Christian and I were sleeping over at each others houses. And the school holidays were coming to an end.

We woke up to the sound if Christians alarm. 6 am. Ugh. Too early. He opened his eyes and whispered "morning beautiful" but didn't smile. That was unusual for christian. He is always bubbly and smiling.

"Good morning" I said kissing his nose, hoping to cheer him up. He gave a small smile.

"What's up chooken?" I questioned and he sat up. I sat up beside him.

"It's today. I'm meeting the other boys" he said nervously.

"Christian, you have nothing to worry about" I said reassuringly. He shook his head.

"What if they don't like me?" He fiddled with his thumbs and lowered his head.

"Christian," I said lifting his head to meet my eyes. "They will love you. What's not to like about you? You're funny, kind, caring, smart, bubbly and amazing" I said while trying to read his thoughts. He was still scared, nervous and worried.

"Look, you have nothing to worry about babes. You're the most likeable person I know. Everything will be fine" and with that I pulled him into a hug and dragged him downstairs for breakfast. He ate slowly and I started to worry about him.

"Take a picture, it might last longer" he said and winked. I blushed when I realised I was staring at him. He took our plates and placed them in the sink. We walked back upstairs and into his room. I pulled on a floral dress, white converse and applied slight makeup. Christian and I walked hand in hand to his mums car where Mary was waiting to take us to the meeting. Christian sat with me nervously and quiet in the back. When we pulled up at the place his grip tightened.

"Relax chris, I love you" I said kissing his cheek as we walked inside. We were greeted by a young woman who pointed us in the direction of the room where the other boys were waiting. As we reached the door Christian grabbed my hand tight and opened the door. The four boys in the room all stopped their conversation and turned to us.

"CHRISTIAAAAAN!" they all shouted as we stepped in the door. Christian giggled and I giggled and I felt his tight grip loosen on my hand.

"Hi!" He said confidently but shyly at the same time.

"Hey! I'm Mitchel! This is Brock, Tyrone and Luke!" He said pointing to each of the boys. They all waved and said hello.

"Well as you know, I'm Christian and this is Lani" he said smiling. The boys said hi to me and gave us both a hug. We sat down on the lounge where they were sitting and got to know each other. The boys seem nice, especially Mitchel. He gets along really well with Christian. And Brock is already like my older brother, even though he acts like a young child. Luke is just craaazy and Tyrone seems to be a cheeky one. I think Christian fits in perfectly with these boys.

Sorry about the short last couple of chapters! I'm also stuck on a title for the story! Please comment any suggestions you may have, I would really appreciate it! Vote/comment/fan xx

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