Chapter 1

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I just wanted to let you know that I made a few changes to the characters in Characters Part 1 & 2 chapter. I also made changes in the Background Information chapter. I would check out those chapters before you read this one. If you don't this chapter will not make any sense. 

Pretend Addison is K.C. and that they are outside!

Before I had time to figure the Blonde guy out, I got a call from an unknown number. I decided to pick up.

Me: "Hello?"

Receptionist: "Is this Addison Maximoff?

Me: "Yes it is, why?"

Receptionist: "Your audition is in 5 minutes"

Me: "Thanks, I will be right there."

Receptionist: "See you then"

Then I hung up, and turned to Spencer. "Spence, the receptionist just called me. We need to head back." I said. "Ok, let's go" he replied. As we headed back, it was silent. Just as we got to the door, Spencer broke the silence. "Addi, did you notice how the Blonde kid and his dad were acting? Didn't it seem suspicious to you?" he asked. "Yes it did. It seemed as if he was doing something illegal. I'd like to check it out some more after my audition, if that is ok with you?" I commented. "I agree that we should look into it, but first you need to go to your audition. I will see you in 30 minutes, and then we can go investigate the situation. Good Luck Addi!" he replied. "Thanks, I will see you in 30 minutes." I said giving Spencer a hug.

Spencer and I entered the building, and headed straight towards the receptionist's desk. We let the receptionist know that we were back, and then we parted ways. 30 minutes later, I finished my audition. I was waiting for Spencer in the lobby, when Jade ran up to me and scared me. "HEY ADDI!" Jade yelled. "Ahhhhhh! WHAT THE HELL JADE!" I jumped accidentally punching her. "Come on loosen up, you can't deny that it was funny." she bursted into laughter. "Maybe a little bit" I giggled. When we stopped laughing, we gave each other a big hug. A few minutes later, Spencer appeared. "I didn't know you were here" Spencer said. "It's a small world sweetheart, get used to it" Jade sassed back at him. Jade and I then burst into laughter when we saw the horrified look on Spencer's face. "Hahaha very funny guys" he said sarcastically. "Let's just go" he added rolling his eyes.

Jade, Spencer, and I exited the building. "I am going to get us some breakfast, where do you guys want me to go?" he asked. "In-n-out!" Jade and I yelled at the same time. "Ok ok, I'm going to get In-n-out!" he stated rolling his eyes and letting a sigh. He turned away and headed off to get us food. We watched him walk off until he was no longer in sight. Once he was gone, I turned to Jade and said, "Wanna go for a walk?". "Fine with me" she replied. As we exited the the gates surrounding the building, I told her about the whole run in with the blonde guy and what Spencer & I  said about it. "Is that him over there?" she semi yelled while pointing at him. " Shhhh! He'll hear you, but yes it is." I replied back looking over only to see him looking at us. I rolled my eyes and gave him a smug smile before turning back around.

"That guy next to him was hot!" Jade exclaimed. "I think the guy with the blonde hair was super hot" I declared. I turned around again to admire the platinum blonde's features. As I turned around, I saw him pointing something that looked like a wand at a someone I hadn't seen before. I heard him mutter something, and a light came out of the wand throwing the other guy across the park that we ended up in. He turned around, and his eyes met mine. I quickly turned around when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Right before me, I saw the one and only Bucky. I embraced him in a big hug. "Hey Buck, whats up?"  I asked noticing he had a serious look on his face. "Hey Addi, we got a mission." he replied quickly. "What's the mission Buck?" following his prior statement. "We have to get a flash drive, which has very important information on it. It will tell us where their most dangerous weapons are, everyone that is apart of their organization, and what they are planning. We need to get it before they deliver it to some other people that they are working with. We are splitting up into teams, and you are with me Addi. Jade you are going with Loki." he responded with a smirk on his face. "Well what are we waiting for let's go Buck!" I exclaimed eagerly. "I am gonna go find my uncle." Jade said annoyed.

As Jade left, Bucky handed me an earpiece so that I could hear the whole team. "Ok let's go princessessa." Bucky said taking my hand. I hear Thor talking through the ear piece saying, "Addi, Bucky, you there?". "Yes we are here" we replied in unison. "Do you know who has the file that we need to get?" I added. "Yes we do. It is a guy named Brett Wilson." Sam replied through the earpiece, which made Bucky give an uneasy look, because that was my ex that we were talking about. Loki came on through the earpiece and added, "He is in the mall parking lot, right next to Chipotle.". "But he is not alone, he is with his father." Sharon added. Anger began to boil through my bones. Just the mention of Brett's name brought back so many memories. It brought back all of the passionate moments that we shared, but it also brought back the memory of when he broke my heart. I wanted to destroy him, and show him what the pain felt like.

"Let's get this party started" I exclaimed, without hesitation taking Bucky's hand in mine and leading him behind a building where we could plan our next move. "Buck, I need you to lure his dad out so that I can face Brett alone, can you do that?" I asked. "Yeah sure. But are you sure you are fine with facing your ex after what he did to you Addi?" he responded with an uneasy face about the plan. "Yes, I'll be fine. Plus, if anything happens I have the earpiece for emergencies. Now go do your job." I said rolling my eyes at his comment. He is so protective over me after the incidents, it's like he doesn't think I can take care of myself. "Ok, I'll let you know when the coast is clear. The code word will be ice cream. Bye Addi, be safe!" he quickly embraced me in a huge hug before walking  off to find Zane. After about 20 minutes, I heard Bucky's voice through the earpiece say the code word. I knew it was go time! I headed off to find Brett, it took about 10 minutes to walk to the mall; but luckily he was still there. This time he was alone, but no one know his people could be hiding in places that I can't see. Who knows! I walked carefully over to where Brett was standing.

"I thought you hated the mall, so why hang out here?" I asked making Brett turn around and face me. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Addison Maximoff. Haven't changed a bit, huh? Still sarcastic, and still hot!" he said. "Well, well, well, Don't think flattery will make everything better Brett." I said mimicking him. He went to go throw a punch at me, but I caught it mid air and said, "I really would not have done that if I were you, I guess you haven't learned your lesson. Have you?" I twisted his arm around. "And why shouldn't I have done that Babe?" he said trying to flip me, but I landed on my feet. "Because you just messed with the wrong person!" I exclaimed punching him twice, and the third time that I punched him he went flying across the parking lot. "Don't ever call me Babe again, and I will be taking this!" I said taking the flash drive out of his pocket, and using the memory spray that a friend of mine gave me a while ago.

I left the parking lot before Brett was able to see me. "Guys, I got the flash drive. Where do we meet up?" I asked. "We will meet up at your house Addi." Thor said. "Ok, Jade are you there?" I asked. "Yes I am here, I'll meet you back at the park we started and we can walk back to your house from there" Jade replied. Without hesitating, I ran back to the park and waited for Jade to show up.

As I waited for Jade, I felt someone grab my arm and pull me behind a building.

Who pulled her behind the building?

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while. I haven't been feeling well, and have been trying to catch up with school and prepare for my Bat Mitzvah (which is on my Birthday) which is coming up. Yay, I am super excited!

I am so happy that I was finally able to finish this chapter, it took forever to write. I hope you like it, please vote if you do. Please let me know in the comments below.

Thank you, and have a great day!

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