Secrets Untold: Prologue

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"If being honest is good then why do most people end up being hurt after knowing the truth?"

Lies are the main reason why everything can be broken....

Broken Relationship...

Broken Friendship...

Broken Trust..

But despite all those lies, I still believe in him..

Even though if the truth is in front of my face...

                     ... slaps me hard on the face so that I can see the truth.

But I just can't.

I believed in him.

Masochist? No.

I just believed in him too much...

                      .... that it hurts so much.

I was blinded on believing him, that I forgot that between the words BELIEVE is the word..


He keeps secrets.

I choose not to bargain with those secrets because I know that whatever he'll say is a lie. All lies....

And my feelings... my past....

It will remain a SECRETS UNTOLD.

Prologue Edited.

[ a/n: Hello! I absolutely feel bad about the prologue. I'm not good making at prologues anyway.  Hope you'll enjoy this story.]

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