chapter 2

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Derek sat at the bar, slouched over, sipping his scotch after another empty day. All his days were filled with nothing. A year ago, he had a great life. Well maybe not great but definitely significantly better than this. He used to have loved ones. It was a Sunday, for the past forty years of his life, every Sunday he and his wife would go with his best friend to his mothers house. Where his four sisters and their husbands and children would be waiting for them.

Now he had no wife, no best friend, and couldn't manage to get himself to talk to his sisters or mother. His old life was gone and he couldn't just go back to it. Well he could, he definitely could. His 'wife' still called him every day begging him to talk to her. She left long voice mails apologizing and saying that she still loved him and she knew deep down that he still loved her. Which wasn't a lie. He did still love his wife. She had been his other best friend for the past eleven years of his life, but he also knew he wasn't in love with her. He hadn't been in love with her long before she had decided to fuck his best friend. His best friend who, according to the rambling voicemails from his sisters, was just miserable without him. He scoffed to himself. Maybe, Mark Sloan should have thought about that before he decided to sleep with his wife. That's what made him the most angry. He, of course, was furious at Addison for cheating on him, but he could almost understand why she did it. They weren't in love. But Addison could have slept with anyone else. Literally, anyone else on the planet would have hurt less than her sleeping with Mark.

Mark was supposed to his brother. He had been their best friend. Mark was the guy who told the football team at his high school that Derek was not to be messed with. He had trusted Mark. He wanted to name his first son after Mark, but now, it was unlikely that he would ever even have a son. He was a forty year old, divorced bastard. Derek knew how he was treating people. He had never wanted to be this guy, he didn't even know he had the capability of being this guy. He snapped, growled, berated everyone he could. As if destroying someone else's day could make him feel better. Derek just thanked god that somehow he had been able to cut himself off today before he had gone to far. He liked Dr. Grey. He hadn't actually had a conversation before today, but he had liked her since he had seen her on her first day.

All of the interns had been sitting around a table in the cafeteria when Dr. Grey had plopped her food down and announced, "Katie Bryce is a pain in the ass. If I hadn't taken the Hippocratic oath, I'd Kevorkian her with my bare hands" That had been the first time that Derek had laughed since catching his wife and best friend. Derek just really hoped that he would be able to control himself enough this week with her on his service. He really didn't want to yell at her like he yelled at all of the other interns. She didn't deserve that, not that any of the other interns deserved it, but yelling at Meredith Grey seemed like a good way to hate himself more than he already did. 

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