"Yeah, I was kinda hungry." He laughed, nudging me. We took turns gazing at each other, trying not to laugh while my parents talked. 

"We have something for you, Josh." My dad smiled. He looked at me with a question on his eyes. 

"I have no idea." I chuckled. The four of us walked to the kitchen. There was a delicious breakfast on the table. It looked like some professional came to make those dishes.

"Oh my gosh. This wasn't necessary, really. It's nice, but I didn't mean for you guys to spend time or money on this." Josh spoke up.

"No, it's all good. It's your birthday!" My mom cheered.

"It's just- a lot." He chuckled. My dad waved his hand off at Josh. "Thank you." He smiled. It looked like a buffet, and I was hungry.

"I wanna eat." I complained, crossing my arms. They all looked down at me, since I was the shortest one. "What? I'm hungry!" I chuckled. They laughed and agreed to eat. 

That breakfast was the best one I've ever had in my whole life.

- · · · -

"Birthday King!" Frankie exclaimed as Josh and I arrived to the park. "This is for you." Frankie said in a serious tone, putting a pink birthday crown on his head. He looked so funny.

"Call me Josie now." Josh joked, walking around the group.

"So, we all have presents for you but they're hidden somewhere in the park." Julia explained. The park was pretty lonely.

"I'm going to find them in record time." He boasted. I rolled my eyes at him. "Do we start now?" Josh jumped excitingly.

"No." Matt replied. "It isn't going to be as simple." He laughed evilly.

"You looked possessed Matt, don't ever do it again." Dara laughed. We agreed and laughed as well. 

"Anyways." Matt playfully rolled his eyes. "We're each going to ask you some questions, if you get them right you get 80 seconds to look for a present. If you don't find it in 80 seconds we get to do something we've been waiting 10 months to do!" Matt exclaimed. "We'll all have a snowball fight against you." 

"What?! 7 against one? That's not fair!" Josh exclaimed.

"But it is. You've scared all of us at least 30 times while we were on set, you've annoyed the heck out of us at least 40 times-" Matt noted

"That's just me being me!" Josh laughed, throwing his hands lightly up.

 "You've farted while we film-" Sofia chuckled.

"I'm a human being." He noted.

"You didn't ask Liv out until I told you to." Frankie pointed a finger at me. I laughed at his sass.

"Okay, fine! I'm obnoxious, I get it!" Josh laughed. "But you guys aren't going to be able to hit me with one, mainly because there isn't any snow here, but if there was, I would be too fast and sneaky." He shrugged.

"But wait." Larry laughed, pulling out a portable ice cooler box. "We scraped some ice." 

"It took a really long time, but now we have something to hit you with." Julia laughed.

"But ice hurts more than snow." Josh frowned.

"Why are you worried? Didn't you say you were too 'fast and sneaky' to get hit with any?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm not worried, I'm just pointing it out." He answered.

"Of course." Matt rolled his eyes. "By the way your birthday gifts are also your Christmas presents." Matt laughed.

"What?! That's not fair!" Josh pouted.

"We're just kidding." I interlocked our fingers together.

"You better." He frowned.

"Okay! Let's start then!" Larry smiled.

"Alright, I'll start because I'mthe youngest and I feel like it!" Sofia exclaimed. "Josh, what is my middle name?" She asked.

Josh scoffed. "Easy. It's Christine." He aswered.

"Dang it! I thought you wouldn't know." Sofia laughed.

"My turn." I squealed. "You're going to lose, handsome." I warned him.

"Yeah, right." He rolled his eyes.

I laughed, knowing he was wrong. "Okay, finish the lyric. "Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone. Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?...." I smirked reading his puzzled face. "Hint, it's 'Dear John' by Taylor because how could I not." I beamed.

"Uh, it's, um...." He struggled. "I know I know it, I just don't know it." He shut his eyes, trying to think. He started humming the melody, but he couldn't figure out the lyrics.

"Do you give up?" I laughed.

He immediately shook his head. "I will not lose this." He competitively answered.

"By the way you have 20 more seconds." I reminded him.

"What?! No one said anything about time!" He complained.

"Now you have 15, you better stop whining if you want to get your presents." Julia looked at my phone to see the timer.

The whole day was full of our laughters. Josh got some pretty nice gifts, and at the end of the day, we did a sleepover at Matt's.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia)Where stories live. Discover now